Monday, February 6, 2012

Fiscal Fitness

Did you think about joining a gym on January 1st?  Did you actually follow through on your thought?  Are you going to the gym on a regular basis and working out 2-3 times a week?  If you haven't yet joined a gym, don't do it if you are not going to change your habits and get your monies worth.  If you are thinking about it, see if they offer a per visit plan.  Despite good intentions, most people work out only about once a week, if that and overpay with monthly or annual memberships.

What can you do differently to get you on track with a workout program?
  1. Take your calendar out and make an appointment with yourself 2-3 times a week with a day in between for rest.  
  2. Figure out if you want to work out at home or at a gym and not only what you want but honestly what you will do?
  3. If you want to work out at home, find a little space that would be comfortable to use.
  4. Get all your workout clothes together and keep them together, I keep my socks, bras, pants, shirts all together, that way its easy to put on or to put into a bag, no wasting time looking for it.
  5. Gather up anything you would regard as workout equipment and put it in that space.  If you really think about what you may have in your bedroom, the closet, the garage and probably the basement, you may find you have quite a bit of stuff once you gather it into the same space.
  6. Pick up your phone and ask a neighbor or buddy to workout with you, make it someone who will actually help you achieve your goal, not someone who says; hey lets go out for coffee instead.
  7. Write down your workout so you can keep track of what you are doing, when you write it down, it helps you figure out what you may be doing right or more importantly what you may be doing wrong.
  8. If you find you are doing everything else, instead of keeping on track, you may find you need help.
  9. Hire a professional and do it differently this year.
  10. If you need professional help and don't like working with others, then private personal training is for you, it doesn't have to be a lifelong commitment, but one that gets you started and keeps you going.
  11. If you like to work out in a group setting, then Get Fit Small Group personal training is your best bet, you get a certified personal trainer that watches what you do and assures you do it safely, if you already know how to exercise then I am there to cue you into exercising more efficiently.

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