Great quote, how often do we say, oh I would have a great life if only I could get rid of this, or this, or that?
If life didn't have it challenges, bumps and bruises, wouldn't you feel stagnant and unhappy? I love life's little challenges, sometimes they can be overwhelming and make you wonder WHY, its really the HOW you think about it and react to it to figure out what the challenge is asking of you.
Wanda McCormick owner of Power By Choice is a mentor, author and power coach, she helps you transform your body, mind and spirit into being your most infinite powerful self through lifestyle changes, healthy eating and exercise. She offers private and semi private fitness training. She is also available for presentations such as and including; M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.O.N, Create Your Own Success Plan, Fitness Savvy, C.O.R.E. Power for a stronger you, No More Excuses and Take Charge of your health.