Check out the website for various locations, times and days. If times don't work for you, let me know and lets create one that does.
Its so beautiful this time of year, watching the sun come up. We are at America the beautiful park at 630 am m/w/f mornings and the energy from the group is awesome. I know its early but what a great way to start the day and get one thing off that to do list and in addition you start out with enough energy to get on with your day.
Wanda McCormick owner of Power By Choice is a mentor, author and power coach, she helps you transform your body, mind and spirit into being your most infinite powerful self through lifestyle changes, healthy eating and exercise. She offers private and semi private fitness training. She is also available for presentations such as and including; M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.O.N, Create Your Own Success Plan, Fitness Savvy, C.O.R.E. Power for a stronger you, No More Excuses and Take Charge of your health.