Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Trails

Scientists at the University of Essex in England found that all it takes is five minutes of strolling a wooded trail, raking leaves, or performing almost any physical movement in a natural outdoor setting to produce a significant uptick in mood and self-esteem. "Humans largely live inside, but because of our evolution as hunter-gatherers we may feel more relaxed and connected moving out in nature," explains study coauthor Jo Barton, PhD. What's more, this temporary boost may safeguard against problems like depression. so treat yourself to "recess" even if it's brief.

That's why i love to do Get Fit Camp outside as much as possible, gets your natural endorphins going.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Push up challenge

Well i just signed up for a push up challenge for november. My push up test for 1 min was 41 not bad for 50 yr old. (now i can use the older category woohoo). Its been awhile since I've done that, word to the wise, don't eat tuna before test.

You CAN Beat Diabetes

Research from the Diabetes Prevention Program fact vs fiction.

Fiction: If your at high risk for diabetes, your going to get the disease.
Fact: They found that those who lost even a little weight and exercised consistently (a goal of 30 minutes five days a week) reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58%.

Fiction: Diabetics need a special diet.
Fact: Not long ago diabetics were urged to forgo sweets and drastically limit their intake of carbohydrates. New research suggests that diabetics are best served by following the same healthy guidelines everyone else does; plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and dairy products, and sparing amounts of heart-healthy fats.

Fiction: There's a cure for diabetes.
Fact: There is no cure for type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but according to a study published by Annals of Internal Medicine, 56% of type 2 diabetics who followed a Mediterranean style diet could control their blood sugar without medication.

Fiction: Being overweight causes diabetes.
Fact: Just because you're heavy doesn't mean you'll automatically get diabetes. Experts agree that being obese, especially combined with a genetic predisposition for diabetes, can trigger the disease. The Journal of the American Medical Association showed that those who were obese at age 50 and gained 20 pounds were 5 times likelier to develop diabetes than those who weren't obese at 50.

Fiction: An insulin pill is right around the corner.
Fact: An insulin pill is not imminent according to the ADA. There are alternatives to injections, though. Finesse insulin patch-pen, expected to be available in late 2011. The patch-pen is disposable and cheaper than an insulin pump.

The Power of Now

Be excessive about your profession, but moderate about showing it.