Saturday, November 5, 2011

Getting Relief for Puffy Eyes So You Don't Look Like You've Been Comtemplating If You're Doing The Right Thing

The last thing you need is to have puffy eyes for your wedding. Your friends and family will think you've been crying. If you have never experienced puffy eyes, just keep this information available because someone else in the wedding party may need your help at the last minute. It could be something as simple as allergy eyes. If you are planning an outdoor wedding take a look at some of these remedies so you can still look marvelous for your big day. A big part of the wedding is photographs of your wedding party, take a quick look at everyone to see if anyone needs an eye adjustment.

Allergy eyes or "allergic conjunctivitis" can cause puffy, watering eyes, itching, redness, and burning. Eye allergy usually occurs in both eyes in association with nasal allergy symptoms like sneezing and sniffling. In some parts of the United States, eye allergy symptoms may be even more common than nasal allergies. We have a lot of wind and dust flying around here, so being vigilant about prevention can help keep some of the dust at bay.

What Causes Eye Allergies?

An eye allergy is caused when your immune system overreacts to a foreign substance that gets into your eye. Special cells in your eye called mast cells release a protein known as histamine which causes the blood vessels in your eyes and eyelids to swell. Any substance that enters your eye and causes an allergic reaction is called an allergen.

Allergens include pollens, pet dander, dust mites, and molds. Grass pollens and ragweed pollens are especially irritating to allergic eyes. The most important thing to do is try to avoid exposure to eye allergy triggers and to see your doctor. If you already know you have allergies, maybe the best course of action is checking with your doctor so you can start your regimen of prevention prior to the wedding day.

There are also some good allergy remedies and strategies you can try on your own to prevent eye allergy symptoms in the first place:

Wash your hands. One of the most common ways that allergens get into your eyes is from your hands. So be sure to wash your hands frequently and avoid rubbing your eyes.

Use over-the-counter eye drops. Saline rinses and artificial tears can help rinse allergens out of your eyes. Over-the-counter eye drops that shrink blood vessels and block histamine are also available, but should be used carefully since overuse of these products can actually make your eyes more sensitive and irritated.

Try cool compresses. A cold washcloth or a bag of frozen vegetables can soothe your puffy eyes, reduce swelling, and relieve itching. I know you will probably have a hard time finding a bag of frozen veggies at the church, but if you keep a cooler of ice on hand that could work too.

Close your windows. You can't always avoid outdoor allergens, but you can keep them from coming inside. Close the windows in your home and your car and use air conditioning during pollen season. Stay inside when pollen counts are high, especially in the morning and evening and when the wind is blowing. You also can't avoid the allergens if your wedding is outside, but you could take steps to control how much you are exposed to the hours prior to the event.

Wear glasses. Sunglasses or regular prescription glasses can prevent pollen and dust from blowing into your eyes. I moved here from Illinois and I have really noticed the difference in the amount of wind and dirt that blows into my eyes.

If you have eye allergies, it can sometimes be tough to avoid those red, itchy, puffy eyes. Although most of us blink about 15,000 times a day, allergens like dust and pollen can still sneak in and irritate the eyes. Eye allergy symptoms are uncomfortable, but over-the-counter and prescription allergy remedies can help. It's also important to remember that while eye allergies do lead to irritated, puffy eyes, they usually don’t cause any permanent damage.

If you have some of these remedies on hand you won't have to stress at the last minute and you can cry happy tears.
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