Monday, October 31, 2011

Be synergistic within yourself.

Don't take insults personally, sidestep negative energy, and look for the good in others.  You can utilize that good-as different as it may be-to improve your point of view and enlarge your perspective.  Steven R Covey

You can be synergistic within yourself even in the midst of a very adversarial environment.  Exercise the courage to be open, to express your ideas, your feelings, and your experiences in a way that will encourage other people to be open also.

You can value the difference in other people.  When someone disagrees with you, you can say, "Good! You see it differently."  You don't have to agree with them; you can simply affirm them and you can seek to understand. 

This can be a hard task, especially if you are the type of person that likes to control.  Remember that people come into the situation from different points of view and there isn't always just a wrong or right way.

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