Saturday, November 5, 2011

Childhood Obesity is on the rise, that toddler may look cute now with its wrinkles....

You may think ahhh she is so cute, look at that chubby little baby.  Some babies will grow out of it but if you take a serious look around, you will notice there are many children walking around looking just like their obese parents.  America is the winner again, but sad to say it's not what we want to be good at and that is the uprising problem.
We need to get a handle on this, no wonder our health care doesn't work.  We are killing ourselves and we have the most updated information available to combat this issue and yet we don't.  WHY?  I say it's because we are making the choice to be lazy and we are showing our children that it's OK to eat crap, not exercise (even the government proves that by cutting PE out of our schools) and think that oh someday I will work on getting rid of this weight.

35+% of our kids are obese, the numbers just keep going up.  When are we going to wake up and see that if we don't nip this issue, our kids may end up dying before we do, because they are fatter at an earlier age and start eating crappy foods as soon as they get off the baby food.  Since they are experiencing all the lovely, modern American conveniences for much longer than we have, they don't stand a chance especially if we are not teaching them to exercise and eat healthier.  We are the adults, so let's do something about it.

This is my Saturday morning rant, I hope it wakes somebody up.  Get up this morning and do something active with your kids.  Make a difference.  Check out my other great information.  I have healthy meal plans that the whole family can eat and Get Fit classes that can be tailored to your group, come up with an idea, a location like your neighborhood community park or center and invite me over, I can help get you and your family back on track.

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