Thursday, October 20, 2011

Do you have trouble exercising regularly?

It's very important that we have a well balanced, exercise routine that we commit to for the rest of our lives.  I have some women that want to lose a few pounds.  What they don't realize (of course until I explain it) is that it doesn't stop with that first weight loss goal.  If they don't maintain a regular exercise routine, they will most likely gain the weight back and more. 

Another important issue is offsetting our aging process.  As we age;
  • we lose our strength
  • our bone mass
  • our flexibility
  • our balance and stability
  • control of our bodies
 It's not about the weight only.  If we don't practice the above on a regular basis we open ourselves to a whole host of disease's just waiting for our ok.  Take inventory of 10 people in your close circle of family and friends age 50 and above.  Be honest with each other and ask them what medical issues they have and it may surprise you as to how many people you know that already have some sort of disease.  Then ask how often they exercise regularly.  Ask them how they feel, are they tired all the time, are they always achy.  How is their sunny disposition?

Now ask yourself the same questions.  If you aren't treating yourself well, why not?  There are so many reasons why, but really WHY NOT?

If you need to find another path Contact Me, I have different options and we can create one that works for you.
If you do have a scheduling problem that maybe always changes I sell a Get Fit Keytag that allows you to buy sessions and come when you can.  The keytag is for 13 sessions and the month October only I am selling them for $125 savings of $25 you are getting 3 classes for FREE.

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