Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Get Fit for Menopause

Every woman reading this has experienced or will experience menopause.  It will happen.  Its not something that we can avoid, it happens naturally and can vary in the age of the woman, but generally 40-55ish.  The average age is 51.  Have you gone through menopause?  I have had some clients that have had a horrible time with it and others who have not. 
If you haven't experienced it, then prepare now so you can experience the least amount of those dreaded symptoms when it does come along.  Get a complete medical exam to see where you are and by being proactive you will know if something goes awry.  I personally have had a few hot flashes and night sweats, but those occurred early on when I had a partial hysterectomy at the age of 32.  I have not experienced full blown symptoms and I am now 51. 
I contribute some of the reasoning behind my not experiencing them now is that I exercise on a regular basis.  Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your overall well-being, and it is especially beneficial during these inevitable midlife changes.  Regular exercise can lessen some of the effects.
If you are not familiar with some of the effects of menopause please read on;
  • Changes in menstrual bleeding (as if it was difficult enough, now you may not know when it will appear or not)
  • Hot flashes are unbelievable, they pop up from nowhere and can last anywhere from less thank one minute to five.  Some women get embarrassed when they turn red and perspire, don't be its natural.
  • Vaginal changes can occur too.  Vaginal dryness may occur and the vaginal wall becomes less elastic and thinner.  Be careful as some of these changes may make you more prone to infections.
  • Sleep can be affected and sometimes due to night sweats.  Keeping a good sleep routine and making your room comfortable, cool and dark will help.  Avoid exercise at night if it keeps you awake.
  • Memory especially short term can be affected also. 
  • Urinary leakage can occur and most importantly can be avoided with some simple exercises.
  • Mood changes can occur but most likely by lack of sleep or other stresses in your life.  Sorry ladies you cannot blame menopause for your crappy mood, there are no scientific studies to support it.
If you find any of the above symptoms overbearing or overwhelming talk with your doctor.
If you are not doing a regular exercise routine please get started Now

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