Monday, December 1, 2008

You finally GET IT!

Get what you ask; getting the big picture. I have had friends, family and clients that just don’t understand that exercise is a lifetime commitment and a lifestyle change. It doesn’t end when you reach that weight loss goal, it doesn’t end when your sessions with me are done and it doesn’t end when you start to feel better.

I am always asking myself how I can motivate the ones I love to exercise. No matter how much or how little I tout that exercise is beneficial to their health (and there is not much I can say that everyone doesn’t already know or has heard before), they still don’t GET IT.

Motivation for enhancing your life is not something that someone can give you. You need to have the right mindset to accomplish any form of self improvement, and there’s always room for improvement. Most people have conditioned themselves to think negatively and have unintentionally “pre programmed” themselves for failure. This negative way of thinking decreases your chance of attaining your goals.

Self improvement is the enhancement of mind, character and attitude. By channeling one’s own efforts toward one’s goals and taking a positive attitude much can be done mentally and physically.

Reaching that “ultimate” goal is of course where you want to go. But what is your “ultimate” goal? It really shouldn’t be “I want to lose 10 pounds” or “I want to fit into size 8 pants.” Your “ultimate” goal should be living a lifestyle of health. Yeah all those other things matter, its what got you started and you definitely need the smaller goals, but in this stage of motivation you finally come to understand that eating right and exercising isn’t a “have to”, its simply a part of who you are and what you do.

The 3rd stage of motivation is based on a natural or inner force that encompasses the “big picture.” It’s coming to terms with the fact that you are in control of your destiny and that each choice and decision has a consequence. You will try new things, you don’t care about pleasing or proving yourself to others and you learn to reconnect with yourself and do it just for YOU.

Be patient and persistent and remember your journey is progress not perfection. It’s easy to overload your schedule with work, family and everyday responsibilities, however you know that if you don’t create some “you time”, in the long run you may pay the price for the pace you’ve been keeping. Think about this quote from Edward Stanley; “Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

Have faith in yourself and let go of all the doubts, fear and do it. Clearly define exactly what you want to achieve, define the purpose as to why and then verbalize and visualize it. Once you get to this step, you have arrived and success is easy

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