Monday, December 1, 2008

How fast can you gain an additional 5 pounds?

We’re always asking ourselves, how fast can we lose it, but have you ever given thought to how fast we can gain it back? I’ll let you in on a little secret; it didn’t take me long at all.

My motto has always been “Gotta Move It to Lose It!” but when I moved my business and home over the last two weeks, I definitely gained it, just because I didn’t prepare.

I gained somewhere between 5 and 10 pounds, but I am not exactly sure how much because weight isn’t important to me, its more about how I feel.

We’re all human and yes that’s an excuse, but I guess it hadn’t even crossed my mind at the time. I was prepared enough to make sure the electric, gas and of course the cable was hooked up, but I didn’t prepare for all the stress and chaos that comes with setting those appointments and trying to make sure everything flows like I think it should have.

I did something out of the norm for me and I ate my meals on the run and at restaurants. Although I tried to eat healthy it still wasn’t the same regimen that my body was accustomed to. I don’t really like to eat out that much and I know when I’ve had enough, I start to feel bloated, lethargic and the energy level just isn’t the same, not to mention the pants got a little tighter.

I get those same feelings when I go on vacation, I started to make a conscious effort to check out my accommodations, and I would ask whether there was a microwave and refrigerator in the room and even a local grocery store in the area. I would pack healthy snacks for the car and airplane ride or if I was delayed at the airport, but I hadn’t given it a second thought while I was moving.

The days didn’t always go as planned and time just got away from me. I started to realize with all the chaos of moving that I didn’t eat the healthiest of foods sometimes, my cabinets and refrigerator were empty at both places. I was eating the healthy snacks I had left, but because of the move the cupboard was looking a little bare.

I didn’t want to waste money buying food for the old house only to pack up and move what I didn’t eat, yet I didn’t want to replenish the new place either. I told myself, I wouldn’t be at either place long enough during the move to warrant buying food that would have to be prepared and eaten in a civilized manner.

The move is now over and I am getting into my more comfortable routine again, but now the challenge is on, I have a couple pounds I need to lose so I will feel better again. There are so many things that can throw your routine off. One of the things I noticed was my favorite grocery store was nowhere to be found, so with the refrigerator and all those new cabinets empty, I have to figure out what aisle they hide the healthy foods in again.

I am fortunate because I didn’t move my business far, I am still located in Frankfort, so I can keep shopping where I always had, but home is now about 30 miles away, so it makes getting those refrigerated and frozen items home a challenge. What did they do many moons ago when there wasn’t a grocery store around every corner?

Taking it back to preparation, I am a pretty organized person (at least when everything finally finds its place), but I no longer work where I live, so I can’t run upstairs and fix something quick and healthy. Now that work and home is separated once again, I have to buy, prepare and pack my meals.

I’ve been advising my clients what has to be done to live a healthier life, I just hadn’t experienced the process in awhile and forgot how time consuming it can be.

It’s getting easier, but the next time I need to advise a prospective client about the joys of preparation, I will remember back to those good old moving days and let them know we are humans and it will get easier, but be careful because we gain it much faster than we lose it.

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