Monday, December 1, 2008

Feeling your best!

Do you want to lead a happy, successful and balanced life, yet often find you lack the energy, time and motivation to do everything you’d like? Sometimes the choices we make lead us even further away from our goals. We should set our goals and then take action daily toward achieving that goal. Thinking and committing to working on your daily goal moves you closer to completing it.

Have you given any thought to what “feeling your best” actually means to you? It could take on many meanings to different people. Let’s take a look at a few.

Looking good comes to mind for some, but treating your body better by nourishing it with water and healthy foods makes more sense than starving it just to look good. The more you neglect yourself and take your health for granted, the harder it will be to recover when you get sick.

One may want to lose weight to feel their best, by incorporating healthy eating habits and exercise; you will live a longer more enriched life. We all know the benefits of exercise, then why aren’t we doing it? Gotta move it 2 lose it!

Some would like to have more energy; take a look around you. Do you surround yourself with positive or negative people? Energy is contagious, whether it’s the kind that makes you want to live your life to the fullest or the energy drainers that whine about everything going wrong and how its everyone else’s fault. If something goes wrong, address the issue, confront the person that may be at fault and get it out, get over it and get back to the positive instead of complaining about it.

Many have said they just want to have more time to get work done and to whittle away at that to do list. Prioritize the important things. We may not have enough time for everything, but we can plan ahead, concentrate and do the stuff that matters most instead of always putting out someone else’s fires.

Saying no is another way to make more time in your life. How many times do you commit to things you just don’t want to do? You may not be able to tell your boss no, but in other areas of life you can do what’s important to you and is in alignment with what you value. If it isn’t then think twice about saying yes.

How often have you said you would like to spend more time with family and friends? Invest time in relationships that matter the most, too often we assume our loved ones will wait around until we make time for them. You will definitely be feeling your best when you give them the attention they deserve, be more receptive to their feelings and enrich your relationship with them.

And remember, no one is perfect! You can’t always do it all, when you concentrate on trying to get it right, life passes you by and then you may not always be feeling your best.

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