Monday, December 1, 2008

When did you make a conscious choice to live an unhealthy life?

Think about that question, because everything we do is a choice, we choose to act, choose to disregard or choose to put it off. Because that’s exactly what you have done, if your not in the shape you want to be in, if your health is not as important to you as you say it is and if you keep making excuses to start taking care of yourself.

Excuses, I have heard plenty of them, some are creative and some are just plain ridicules. Most of them are used everyday to justify not having to make the effort to improve your health and well being. Excuses provide an easy way to avoid exercising. The faster you work towards eliminating them, the closer you’ll be to living a healthier more active life.

Let’s take a look at some of the more common ones and how to overcome them. What is the #1 excuse used to skip exercise?
• I don’t have the time. Truth is, we know we all have the same amount of time in a day. You don’t have to be at the gym for 2 hours everyday. You can set aside 10 minute periods if needed. Is a 10 minute workout going to benefit you? I could give you a challenging workout that will get your heart pumping too without any equipment; you move through it, don’t waste time and it’s done.
• I am too tired and just don’t have the energy to exercise (which is just about every working mom’s challenge). You have to make that first leap, it won’t be easy, but give it a month and you will start to reap the benefits, the endorphins start to kick in, you feel more energized, in a better mood and when you feel good, it motivates you to keep going.
• I belong to a gym but I hate to go, its so intimidating, everybody seems to already be in shape and I just don’t know what to do or where to start. The first place to start is to determine whether the gym is comfortable enough for you. I train the clients in my private studio that don’t like the gym. If you do feel comfortable enough, a great place to start is to hire a trainer, even if it’s for a month or so. They can guide and show you how to use the equipment safely. Don’t be intimidated; everyone was a gym virgin at one point.
• I just do cardio because I don’t want to bulk up. Women don’t bulk up and all women should do strength training to increase bone mass as well. For a well rounded workout you should do cardio, strength training, flexibility and proper nutrition is important as well.
• I’ve never exercised before and I’m too old to start now. It’s never too late to get started as long as your doctor says it’s ok. Exercise is an ageless activity and it’s the closest thing we may have to the fountain of youth. It may not be able to erase those age lines but it will increase your energy level, help you lose weight, reduce stress and allow you to live longer, healthier and boost your confidence.

I believe that exercise is the best medicine for helping us age gracefully! Stop making excuses. The motivation has to come from within, only you can develop the drive to exercise regularly. Get fit, stay healthy and enjoy life!

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