Monday, December 1, 2008

Healthy Living The Choice Is Yours

We live in a fast-paced world, which often makes it difficult to make healthy choices; however, there is no excuse for neglecting yourself and avoiding a healthier lifestyle. I just spent $565 on new tires; why do you care? I suppose you probably don’t, but it’s what I had to do to keep my car functioning properly. When was the last time you spent any money on self-improvement?
We are willing to spend money on new cars and plasma televisions, yet we won’t invest in a healthier lifestyle. When that car or TV breaks down, you have a choice: you can either fix it or buy a new one. What happens when your body breaks down? You could try to fix it, but if you wait too long, the parts may be irreparably damaged. Or you could try to obtain new body parts, but cosmetic surgery is expensive. The best option is to start making an effort toward achieving a healthier you. It won’t be easy, but living in a broken down body is much harder, especially since the average American is living longer.
For some of you, exercise means jumping on the treadmill or elliptical, sweating for an hour and calling it a day. If this is your routine, don’t be surprised when you don’t see the results that you expect. Your workout routine may be missing one key ingredient—muscle development. Consider taking your workout to the next level by combining a cardio component with strength training exercises.
There is an obesity crisis in America; “fast and convenient” are the buzz words in our society, which means that you have to be proactive in managing your own health. Vitality is the one thing most of us are lacking and the one thing we all need.
• Do you wake up in the morning feeling as tired as you did the night before?
• Do you eat foods that take away your natural energy instead of boosting it?
• Do you need help integrating quality exercise into your everyday life?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, there is still hope for you. Building strength, burning fat and gaining a high level of fitness is hard work and takes discipline. This is where most of us fall short. But remember, nothing worthwhile is ever easy; if it was easy the obesity rate in this country would not be at crisis level.
Get outdoors, breathe in the fresh air and eat as naturally as possible. Change is the key to improving your lifestyle. Alter your routine to keep your body guessing so it doesn’t adapt and plateau.
You are the only one who can make a difference in your life. You are the only one who can improve your lifestyle. Your efforts and choices will dictate your future. Only you can make it happen!

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