Friday, January 13, 2012

Help for Varicose Veins

I just had a client who had some vein's burned out and she was off work for a month.  I have also had former clients with varicose veins and it was not fun thing to experience.  They have had surgery and was also down and out for almost a month.  Some may think that having the surgery was just to remove those ugly blue and red enlarged veins.  Having the surgery isn't just for vanity, there are some serious health issues that come with varicose veins.  According to Laura Kissell, MD at Penrose hospital  "Not only can they be painful, but they can lead to skin ulcers and blood clots, which can be fatal".

Here is what she says about the goal of treatment.  "Veins take blood from the body back to the heart.  If the valves in the veins of the legs are damaged or weak, blood can leak backward and pool in the veins - causing varicose veins.  Treatment blocks off or removes the leaky veins so that blood can't back up.  Then the remaining healthy veins take over blood flow.

Laura Kissell, MD also states the various treatment options that she offers;
First, we try compression stockings for three to six months.
If that doesn't work, we may try sclerotherapy, where we inject a chemical that seals off the vein to stop the blood flow.
We also can use lasers or radio frequency ablation to treat larger veins.  During this procedure, we put a tiny tube into the vein and, using a small probe with a heated tip, we close off the large vein that's causing the varicose veins.
Finally, we can remove the lumpy, bumpy veins with phlebectomy.

Varicose veins are not just an ugly sight that we want to get rid of, there can be serious health complications.  If you or someone you know has varicose veins, have them talk with their doctor.

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