Thursday, January 19, 2012

14 of 30 Things to Stop Doing To Yourself and Start Doing For Yourself

Stop rejecting new relationships just because old ones didn’t work. – In life you’ll realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet.  Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you.  But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.

When you are in a relationship that isn't working for you, its hard to see the WHY.  Think back now that you are out of that relationship and see if there is something you learned from it, maybe something you learned either about why you were attracted in the first place or why you grew apart.  There is always a lesson to be learned, we have to take the blinders off, sometimes come at it without the feelings attached to be able to see it.  WM of PBC

Start giving new people you meet a chance. – It sounds harsh, but you cannot keep every friend you’ve ever made.  People and priorities change.  As some relationships fade others will grow.  Appreciate the possibility of new relationships as you naturally let go of old ones that no longer work.  Trust your judgment.  Embrace new relationships, knowing that you are entering into unfamiliar territory.  Be ready to learn, be ready for a challenge, and be ready to meet someone that might just change your life forever.

I love meeting new people and even people that are different from me to see how we can relate to each other.  Friends serve different purposes.  You share little pieces of you with friends.  You may find you have one friend that is opposite of you and you can step out of your comfort zone while with that person.  You may have a friend that is a risk taker and you envy that person, but can only take a little at a time.  Some friends just kinda go away and that's ok too.  I have friends I may not see for 6 months and then we spend 6 hours together and it seems like we never had that 6 months away from each other.  WM of PBC

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