Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We know that the holidays can be the ruin of an exercise regimen

With all that food, no time to go to the gym, days of travelling, all mean that it’s pretty easy to find yourself in early January feeling like you’re starting over from scratch.  Luckily, there are strategies for getting through the holidays in good shape.  In this article, I give you five great exercises to keep up your six-pack abs anytime, anywhere, and some tips for getting through holiday gatherings unscathed (physically, that is – dealing with your family is up to you!).

Abdominals are relatively simple to maintain during the holidays, because there are exercises you can do at home if you’re too busy to get to the gym, or in a hotel or guest room if you’re travelling.  You don’t need extra equipment or a lot of space.  Also, unlike other major muscle groups, which need a day’s rest between workouts, you can work your abs every day.  So, even on the days you’re out of the gym, you can keep up a routine for awesome abs.

I am Wanda McCormick, an NPTI certified personal trainer and nutritional consultant, and the owner of Power By Choice dba Perfect Fit Personal Training in Colorado Springs, CO and I have a program of five abdominal exercises guaranteed to keep you in gear (and yes, I am a female trainer – but I also used to be in law enforcement, so listen up!).  For an advanced workout, do three sets of fifteen repetitions for each exercise each day.  For an intermediate workout, pick three of the exercises each day and do four sets of twelve repetitions, rotating the exercises daily.  And remember, it’s OK to cry.  Always check with your doctor prior to starting an exercise program.


Oblique Push-Up - On the floor, assume a modified push-up (plank) position, with your elbows under your shoulders and bent at ninety degrees.  Your forearms will rest on the floor pointing forward.  Keep your torso steady and tight as you lift your right arm out and up toward the ceiling, with your elbow remaining bent.  Simultaneously turn your torso toward the ceiling, until you are perpendicular to the floor.  Hold for a moment, without letting your hips drop toward the floor, and then rotate back to the starting position.  Repeat with the left arm.

Leg Row - Sit on the floor with your hands on top of your head.  Bend your knees, lean back slightly, and raise your feet off the floor.  Keep your torso still and tight while extending your legs out, then pull your knees back toward your chest.

Alphabet Abs - Lie on your back on the floor with one leg bent at the knee, and that foot on the floor for stability.  Raise the other, extended leg to no higher than forty-five degrees and, with your foot flexed, write the alphabet with the heel of the extended leg.  For a modification, point the toe.  If this seems too hard, or too time-consuming, try writing your first and last name.  Repeat with the other leg.

On All 4’s - On your hands and knees on the floor, and keeping your chin down, bring your right knee all the way in to touch your chin (if you can) as you contract up through your center.  Press the leg back until it extends straight behind you.  Complete set on right side, then repeat on the left.

Rope Climb - Sit on the floor with knees bent.  Dig in your heels for stability, and lean back slightly.  Tighten your core, reach your arms up overhead, and slowly pull down alternate arms toward your face as though climbing a rope.   Really reach and stretch at the top – climb high.

These exercises will go a long way toward keeping your abs strong and lean through the holidays – but, of course, a lot depends on how and what you eat.  Enjoy

This is a sample of the types of exercise you will learn when working with me.  Visit Perfect Fit for more info.

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