Friday, December 16, 2011

The Monkey Mind

Great article to get you thinking by Alison J Kay

This is the time of change leading up to December 22, 2012.  It is a time like never before, when everything is intensified because we are at a turning point in the evolution of the human kind.  And the nature of our times is causing, to a degree, "the monkey mind," or racing thoughts fueled by what feels like "run-away fear."

This time of the "Human Awakening" - awakening from the illusion that the physical level is what is most real and important to us instead of learning that what we think, feel and believe is in fact the most important - is where we are now.  Furthermore, this awakening is to awaken us from the cage we each, in our own individualized way, have thought, felt and believed ourselves into, with our "monkey minds."

The term "monkey mind" comes from the Buddhist metaphor that the human mind, when allowed to run away and lead the human system (as opposed to the heart or the Higher mind), is like a drunken monkey, erratically leaping from tree to tree, in search of the next banana, barely taking time to finish swallowing the banana it has found in the tree it's in.  This monkey mind is also heavily affected by our conditioning when growing up, as well as the dominant cultural beliefs and moods we exist within, locally, nationally - and within our own homes.

What this means for you is what you determine.  And that is the trick.  You have to actually learn to get out of your own way with your own version of the monkey mind with its fears, doubts and list of things to do, to be able to ground yourself.

How often does your monkey talk tell you, "I don't have the time to get everything done?" or "I can't do that, I don't know anything about it."  It's always been that way is another good one, so we don't step outside our comfort zone because the fear of failure, of the unknown is harder to overcome than the joy of accomplishment or trying something new and exciting.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to overcome the first obstacle realizing the monkey mind is a strong influence on what you do and think.
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