Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are you a sugar junkie?

For some people, sugar can be as addicting as any other addiction such as alcohol, drugs, or caffeine.  If you are a diabetic you probably have a pretty good idea of what I am talking about.  You crave it, eat it and and then it sends your blood sugar soaring.   That can cause tremendous problems with your health.

It is getting harder and harder to shop for healthier foods because there are so many other names for sugar.  Today, it can be in foods you wouldn't haven't thought of; sugar can be found in canned vegetables, tomato sauce and even in meats.  We know sugar is in all those fun, tasty things like candy, fudge, cookies, and most of the cereals that our children eat.  It is even more confusing and challenging to eat healthier when you have to read every label, but it's also worth it.

Joshua Carter of Carter Fitness advises you to stay away from these 4 breakfast foods:

1. Breakfast pastry: Muffins, doughnuts, bear claws and croissants sure taste good with coffee, but all those refined carbs are going to cause unwanted weight gain. But you knew that, right?

2. Granola Bars: Watch out for the breakfast bars that claim to give you fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Check the number of carbs and sugars on the back of the label - most contain the same sugar as a pastry. That is probably what makes them taste so good (and why you should avoid them like the plague)

3. Cereal: Here's another popular breakfast item that has tons of sugar lurking beneath its surface.  I think the concept of a "healthy" cereal is one of the BIGGEST lies perpetrated by the health food industry. Carbs upon carbs.

4. Drive Thru Breakfast Sandwich: Oh please. Don't even think about heading to the drive thru for a quick breakfast sandwich.  You are much better off grabbing a hard boiled egg from home to enjoy on your commute.

So before rushing out the door this morning, make sure to give yourself  a good start to the day. Fuel yourself up with a quick, healthy breakfast. (Just because it's quick does not mean it has to be unhealthy.)
Want to burn fat throughout the day? - Then don't start your day with a boat load of sugar.

It’s difficult to deny our love for sweet things, but sometimes it’s more difficult to break the addictive cycle of processed sugar. I don’t believe that any food is innately bad. It’s not what you eat some of the time; it’s what you eat most of the time that makes a difference.  You have also heard of the saying "everything in moderation", which may be ok for most but again the diabetic has to be very careful and cut out most of the sugar from their eating plan.

Learning how to read food label's and educating yourself can be a full time job but one well worth it if means a longer healthier life.  Knowing and listening to your body when it’s sending you physical and emotional cues is important.
Try experimenting with these sugar alternatives, derived from natural, less-processed ingredients. You may find you’ll reduce your sweet tooth and give yourself some lasting energy.

Maple Syrup – Maple syrup is made from boiled down maple tree sap and contains minerals like magnesium and zinc. It adds a tasty flavor to your morning oatmeal and is great for baking. Be sure to buy 100% pure maple syrup, and not maple flavored corn syrup.

Honey – One of the oldest natural sweeteners, honey is sweeter than sugar. Raw honey contains small amounts of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It’s also great for baking, adding to sauces, smoothies or your cup of tea.

Molasses – Organic molasses is probably the most nutritious sweetener. It is derived from sugar cane or sugar beet and is made by a process of clarifying and bending the extracted juices. Blackstrap molasses, the most nutritious variety, is a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Stevia – The extract from stevia is 100 to 300 times sweeter than white sugar. It can be used in cooking, baking and beverages, does not affect blood sugar levels and has zero calories. Be sure to get the green or brown liquids or powders, as the white and clear versions are highly refined.

Date Sugar – Date sugar consists of finely ground, dehydrated dates, utilizing this fruit’s vitamin, mineral, and fiber content. It can be used as direct replacement for sugar, and comes in a granulated form.

If you are a diabetic, please always check with your doctor before trying new sugars and sugar alternatives.
For other interesting articles,tips and exercises relating to nutrition, health and fitness check out my website

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