Monday, November 14, 2011

Strength training and older adults.

As we get older, we want to be more active but sometimes the opposite occurs because we develop stiffness, pain, lack of mobility and other medical issues.  Even if you have some problems, Contact me, as a Certified Personal Trainer, I can help you with a strength training program designed just for you and any medical considerations you may have.  Lets take a look at why exercise is important.

Strength training can reduce the signs and symptoms of chronic ailments and diseases that affect us as we age in the following ways; 
  • Arthritis-reduce pain and stiffness while increasing strength and flexibility
  • Diabetes-Improves glycemic control
  • Osteoporosis-Builds bone density and reduces risk for falls
  • Heart disease-Reduces cardiovascular risk by improving lipid profile and overall fitness.
  • Obesity-Increases metabolism, which helps burn more calories and helps with long term weight control
  • Back pain-Strengthens back and abdominal muscles to reduce stress on the spine.
Strength training when combined with aerobic exercise can also affect a person’s mental and emotional health in a positive way.  Do you find yourself waking up throughout the night?  Studies have shown that people sleep better, deeper, longer and awaken less often.  Exercise can also reduce depression, boost self confidence, self esteem and improve your sense of well being.

Do we really need any more reasons to incorporate exercise into our daily lives?  
Here are a couple more reasons for developing a strength training program;
  • maintain bone density
  • build strength
  • improve balance, coordination and mobility
  • reduce your risk of falling
  • maintain independence while performing daily activities
Now it is time to start that exercise program and set yours goals, here are 5 steps.
    1. Specific-set a short and long term goal
    2. The goal must be measurable
    3. The goal has to be attainable
    4. It should be relevant to living a long healthy life.
    5. Set a time limit to accomplish the goal.
Good luck and have great success.

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