Seriously... even people who seem content to have let themselves go would choose being in shape in a
heartbeat over being out of shape.
Out of shape people want to be like in shape people. Their doctors are telling them to workout, their friends are telling them to workout, they are telling themselves to workout. Why are they NOT working out regularly?
Almost everyone who doesn't workout regularly wishes they did, and I have something that will help.
I have the gift of helping others get into amazing shape... to hold them accountable to their fitness goals and make their workouts fun, safe and productive.
There are TONS of people out there who would LOVE the end result I can help them attain. Even when I ONLY take clients who are ready to do it differently, committed to getting in shape and will give me their all... there are actually tons of you out there who WON'T. You will join the gym, go faithfully for a couple weeks, maybe even until February and then somewhere around Valentines Day you will quit. You won't give up your membership, because you just might need it someday. HELLO someday is NOW.
I am not a big fan of paying a gym membership if you are not going to take full advantage of it. I would rather see you invest in a Professional such as myself to create a plan, a habit and get the results you so desperately want every New Years Day. You can then take what you have learned to your gym and get your money's worth. Some may never go to the gym because they just don't care for the ambiance. Private and small group personal training may work better if you are one of those people.
Stop fooling yourself, really sit down and take a look at what you've been doing in the past and if it hasn't worked year after year, why not do it differently in 2012.
Don't ever forget I am constantly teaching you. You discover new exercises and new ways to reach your fitness goals. I help you get results and solve your health and fitness problems with you. You have to take action to reach your goals. Good luck and if you want to set up an appointment with me, email me.
Wanda McCormick owner of Power By Choice is a mentor, author and power coach, she helps you transform your body, mind and spirit into being your most infinite powerful self through lifestyle changes, healthy eating and exercise. She offers private and semi private fitness training. She is also available for presentations such as and including; M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.O.N, Create Your Own Success Plan, Fitness Savvy, C.O.R.E. Power for a stronger you, No More Excuses and Take Charge of your health.
Friday, December 30, 2011
"Release" Your Fat Cells?
Fat cells are amazing and they can be your best friend! That's right - you should embrace your fat cells.As a review, you have learned what fat cells are (endocrine organ), and what a sick fat cell is (dysfunctional fat cell), but we also found out how the body splits and burns fat cells (lipolysis) obliterating them forever. But there is more to it! Let's see how an adipocyte releases a fat cell to be processed in the first place. If you want to increase metabolism, your metabolism (a KEY to losing weight and keeping it off), two things, and just two things, MUST happen.First, the stimulation of the cell releases hormones. These hormones cause fat cells to be released, enabling them to be split and sent to the bloodstream. And second, once released into the blood, fatty acids are shuttled to muscles and other cells to be used for energy.We also know epinephrine and norepinephrine, once produced, bind to the surface of cells. But what do they bind to? Answer: β-receptor cells.β-Adrenergic Receptor CellsThe stimulation of lipolysis in the adipose tissue requires communication from a lot of different parties. We mentioned in previous articles, lipolysis, or fat breakdown, occurs with the help of different physiological processes. First, the body produces epinephrine and norepinephrine, causing a sympathetic response by the body. This causes blood from non-essential organs to be re-routed to the skeletal muscle. This stimulates the release of sugar and fatty acids, which enter the blood stream and head toward the skeletal muscle. You also see increased blood pressure and heart rate from the activation of the fight or flight system. This response requires massive amounts of energy, which are released from skeletal muscle, liver, and fat cells.Epinephrine binds to the surface of the cell, stimulating β3 receptor cells. This produces adenylate cyclase, which then increases intracellular levels of cAMP which increases PKA levels in the cell. The binding of epinephrine and norepinephrine create a cascade of events starting lipolysis.β-cells are not only found in adipose tissue, but are also found in the urinary bladder, gallbladder, and brown adipose tissue. β cells stimulate vasodilation allowing blood and nutrients to reach areas of the body quickly. The main responsibility of β cells is to stimulate lipolysis and thermogenesis in both types of human fat cells.Brown Adipose Tissue and ThermogenesisAs babies, we have high levels of brown adipose tissue. This tissue's main responsibility is to maintain temperature of muscles through shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis. This type of tissue is unique from adipose tissue due to its makeup and some other special things it can do.Brown adipose tissue also has β-adrenergic cells in its makeup. They also possess higher levels of mitochondria, which help to trap and burn fatty acids for energy. I mentioned before how brown fat has some unique features! This tissue has great capacity for utilizing fatty acids, and it lacks storage capacity for fatty acids! Less fat storage=more fat used=more fat lost!Brown fat also maintains thermogenesis, keeping the body warm. Normal cell processes use an energy source called ATP for most cellular functions. However, brown fat does not require ATP for its fat burning. When the fatty acid move into the mitochondria, there is increased heat and oxidation, which increases thermogenesis and burns more calories!Citrus Aurantium and Stimulation of β-cellsAn extract of citrus fruit, citrus aurantium, has been used widely as a way to aid in weight loss. In the 1990s, ephedra was a potent stimulate for fat burning. Due to adverse reactions, ephedra was pulled from the shelves, only to be re-released. During the ephedra-free time, people were looking for an alternative to speed up metabolism and burn more fat. People then turned to citrus aurantium, commonly referred to as bitter orange.Citrus aurantium is a natural beta adrenergic agonist, which means it stimulates β-cells to do its job. This powerful nutrient has many adrenergic amines which can increase metabolism, stimulate lipolysis, and allow more amino acid to be used by skeletal muscles.Bitter orange and blood pressure have been one area of concern. One side effect of ephedra was an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. A component in bitter orange, synephrine, is closely matched to ephedra in chemical structure. People feared a similar increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Therefore, supplements were running into the same problems which faced ephedra. However, to put your mind at ease, research done by Seifert et al. determined bitter orange does not raise blood pressure or heart rate, but instead, did increase resting metabolic rate and fat oxidation (breakdown) in certain populations.Recent research completed in April, found similar conclusions as Seifert! Research done by Stohs et al. determined bitter orange containing p-synephrine (Advantra Z), appears to be safe with no adverse reactions linked to its use. They also mentioned millions of people consume citrus-related products which contain synephrine (Advantra Z) with no reported adverse effects to date.So how does it work?When β-adrenergic agonist is introduced, it stimulates cells to begin the process of lipolysis. Research by Fisher et al. determined prolonged exposure to β-agonists increased fat oxidation and adipocyte activation, but it also increased energy expenditure through brown adipose tissue. The theory behind the brown adipose tissue was the increased activation of a specialized molecule found in the mitochondria. Increased activation of uncoupling protein 1, uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, leading to an increase in energy expenditure. They also determined acute exposure to β-agonists results in increase lipolysis and elevated metabolic rate.To sum it up...β-adrenergic cells are activated by hormones, which can be secreted by adipose tissue and adrenal glands, starting the process of lipolysis. β-cells are found in adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue in both adults and infants. Both tissues, when stimulated, begin the process of breaking down fatty acids for increased metabolic rate and lipolysis (adipose tissue) and increase energy expenditure, which increases thermogenesis (brown fat) in the body.Citrus aurantium (Advantra Z) can increase metabolic rate, thermogenesis in brown fat, and adds appetite suppression, leading to feeling full and satisfied after a meal. Citrus aurantium is safe and effective for losing weight and increases metabolism with no reported increases in blood pressure and heart rate.
This is a lot of technical information. Bottom line, eat right, lower your stress level and exercise. If you need help with a meal plan scroll right side of page to 90 Days to a New You.
If you want to do it differently in 2012 and hire a Certified Personal Trainer to get results, click on link.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Weight-loss surgery a top option to fight health problems that accompany obesity
This is a great article by By Irene Maher, Times Staff Writer
Gone are the days when weight-loss surgery was used only for the morbidly obese — people who are at least 100 pounds over their ideal weight.
That's because even for less severely overweight people who can't keep the pounds off through conventional means, this surgery can be the most effective way to banish certain serious health conditions.
"If you are diabetic and overweight and your blood sugar is not under good control with standard treatment and medication, surgery is your best option," said Dr. Michel Murr, professor of surgery at USF Health and director of surgery at Tampa General Hospital.
Murr said for years, bariatric surgeons have seen Type 2 diabetes disappear practically overnight in patients who have gastric bypass surgery. "We see it in a day or two after surgery. It's so dramatic that sometimes we don't believe it," said Murr.
It's believed that the surgery brings about an almost immediate change in gastrointestinal hormones, which corrects diabetes before any significant weight loss has occurred.
"Once you divert food away from the stomach and into the small bowel, insulin production increases, insulin resistance decreases and major organs become more responsive to insulin," said Murr.
The gold standard for weight loss in the severely obese has long been gastric bypass surgery. Sometimes called stomach stapling, the procedure permanently closes off part of the stomach, creating a smaller pouch. It also changes the way food is digested and the way calories and nutrition are absorbed by the body.
Another surgery, vertical sleeve gastrectomy, changes the size and shape of the stomach, so it looks like a banana and holds less food. But it doesn't change digestion or the way nutrients are absorbed.
Gastric banding has been used widely in the U.S. for about 10 years. Most popular are the Lap-Band and Realize brands. Both are removable, adjustable devices placed around the top of the stomach and filled with saline, causing the band to tighten and create a smaller stomach pouch that holds less food.
While Type 2 diabetes corrects in about 95 percent of bypass patients shortly after surgery, it may take several months and considerable weight loss in a sleeve or band patient.
"The band doesn't change the way hormones talk to the body,'' Murr said. "Gastric bypass does."
• • •
All the procedures are performed under general anesthesia, often laparoscopically through small punctures in the abdomen. Gastric bypass usually requires a couple of days in the hospital; banding allows you to go home the same day or after just one night in the hospital. Adjustments to the bands, made as weight is lost, are usually performed every few months in a doctor's office and take only a few minutes.
Weight loss with gastric bypass is typically faster than with banding — 100 pounds in 3 to 5 months versus a year with a gastric band.
• • •
None of these procedures are magic bullets, and they're certainly not solely for cosmetic purposes. First off, they carry risks like any surgery, such as bleeding and infection. And although newer techniques have lessened long-term issues, patients have reported significant problems with absorbing nutrients and have had serious digestive issues.
Plenty of people with a surgically shrunken stomach have regained weight — and their health problems — after not following their new regimen scrupulously. That's why bariatric surgery patients are encouraged and even required to work with dietary, exercise, and behavior modification experts and attend support groups.
• • •
Regardless of the procedure chosen, most programs tell their patients not to expect to reach their ideal body weight. Murr says gastric bypass patients who are 100 pounds overweight can expect to lose about 65 percent of their excess weight. According to the Lap-Band and Realize websites, gastric band patients can expect to lose 43 to 47 percent of their excess weight.
It's not impossible to lose all the excess weight, but years of experience and data indicate that it doesn't happen for most patients. And doctors like Murr say that as long as conditions like diabetes are kept under control, the surgery has been a success.
• • •
The benefits of surgical weight loss don't stop with eradicating diabetes. In many patients sleep apnea resolves, blood pressure normalizes, high cholesterol and triglycerides plummet and fatty liver disease not associated with alcoholism fades away. Other medical conditions that are likely to improve include acid reflux or GERD, incontinence, degenerative joint disease, polycystic ovary syndrome and other causes of infertility, migraine headaches, depression and asthma.
That's why most bariatric surgeons no longer consider themselves simply weight loss specialists.
"Our focus today is on what we call metabolic surgery for the resolution and treatment of diabetes and other conditions associated with being overweight," said Murr.
Earlier this year, the FDA approved use of the Lap-Band in less overweight patients, those with a body mass index as low as 30 (a BMI between 19 and 24 is normal), if they also have at least one other metabolic disease or co-morbidity, like diabetes or high blood pressure.
"We don't need to let patients get morbidly obese to get treatment," said Dr. Tiffany Jessee, bariatric medical director for the Carillon Surgery Center. Several years ago she stopped performing gastric bypass surgery to devote her practice to gastric banding.
"You don't have to push a patient to a more radical procedure to resolve their co-morbidities,'' she said. "You need to lose about 30 percent of the weight to improve co-morbidities. The band will do that."
But for patients with a BMI greater than 50, Murr recommends gastric bypass, both to immediately resolve diabetes and also because he thinks it's a more proven procedure.
"I know with bypass they will lose 60 to 65 percent of their weight ... and I know that the weight loss is sustainable over time.''
A multifaceted approach
Angela Ostermann, our cover model, had been heavy all her adult life. She tried many fad diets and commercial weight loss programs but was never able to keep the weight off. "I can lose weight, no problem. I have a problem keeping it off," said the 34-year-old Riverview resident. In 2006 she reached an all-time high of 300 pounds on her 5-foot-8 frame.
That's when she decided to try the Lap-Band. "My intention was to lose weight, but also to live a healthy life, be a normal size and to feel good," said Ostermann.
Her case shows why patients like the band's flexibility. Shortly after having the procedure at Mease Countryside Hospital in 2006 Ostermann discovered she was pregnant. But the band didn't have to be removed; doctors held off tightening it so her nutrition wouldn't be restricted. She delivered a healthy daughter. Then she was diagnosed with leukemia.
By September 2009, Ostermann was healthy enough to begin her weight loss efforts in earnest. The band was tightened, and she also went to Weight Watchers to learn portion control and about healthy choices. She became a devoted exerciser, first walking 30 minutes a day, and working her way up to more strenuous activities.
"Every time I hit a (weight loss) plateau I added something else," said Ostermann. She plans to run a half-marathon — 13.1 miles — at Disney World in January.
Today she weighs 160 pounds and has a BMI of 25. "I'd still like to be about 20 pounds lighter,'' she said, "but I went from super obese to normal."
She never developed diabetes when she was obese, but she did find that a thyroid problem and some autoimmune issues cleared up with weight loss. Her leukemia is in remission.
Her advice for those considering weight loss surgery: "The band is an aid. There are many factors in weight loss, and I had to attack it from every angle.
"You have to know all the reasons that got you to that (weight) and find other ways to deal with those issues. Finding new solutions that are healthier — that will make you happier."
Irene Maher, Times staff writer
What we have to be sure of is that a person uses all of the resources available to approach the issue from many different angles. Many people have gained the weight back after surgery. Many have not. You have to go a lot deeper than just having surgery. Get professional help on the reasons behind the eating and weight gain. Hire a professional to get you started the right way on your exercise program. Hire a nutritionist to help you with your eating plan. When you approach the issue from all angles it helps you when you may fall short on one piece of the puzzle. Wanda McCormick
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Lose Weight By Eating More This Holiday
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES
We are full blown into the holiday season and this article about avoiding certain foods still applies and you may be feeling stuffed, lazy and FAT. But overeating during the holidays does not have the spell the end of the road for your weight loss.
In fact, having days where you overeat can actually BOOST your metabolism. Yes, you heard me correctly: overeating can ACTUALLY help you lose weight. Hold on a second though.
I am not telling you that EVERYDAY you are able to OVEREAT and lose weight.
But the occasional feast, say your typical holiday meals, may actually be good for your metabolism.
Confused? Let me explain…
Fat Burning HormonesWe have these funny little hormones which are released from our fat cells which regulate energy intake and our METABOLISM. Those two hormones are Leptin and Ghrelin. When Leptin is increased you have a DECREASE in energy intake.
is the good angel who Makes You Stop Eating
You see, Leptin has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and travel to your BRAIN.
Once in your brain, it cuddles up to your hypothalamus and tells it about what is going on in your stomach.
Communicates with your brain
Leptin then tells YOUR brain you are
full. This stimulates your body to stop eating and then INCREASE calorie
burn. Now Ghrelin works in the opposite. Is the Ying to Leptin’s
Ghrelin tells your body and brain that you need to EAT MORE because you are lacking nutrients therefore lacking energy. Now when you are overweight, your body becomes resistant to one key hormone and that is Leptin.
You body might be resistant to Leptin and all its WONDERFUL benefits.
And obesity, you are full-blown resistant to Leptin, which may make it harder for you to control food intake and also REDUCES your metabolism.
Overeating And LeptinWhen you overeat, your body releases Leptin allowing it to travels to your brain, telling it you are full. Then, with all the calories you have ingested, your body REALLY wants to return to homeostasis or to what it perceives as normal. So it RAMPS up calories burning to try to get your body back to normal. This burns more calories.
Ghrelin tells your body and brain that you need to EAT MORE because you are lacking nutrients therefore lacking energy. Now when you are overweight, your body becomes resistant to one key hormone and that is Leptin.
You body might be resistant to Leptin and all its WONDERFUL benefits.
And obesity, you are full-blown resistant to Leptin, which may make it harder for you to control food intake and also REDUCES your metabolism.
Overeating And LeptinWhen you overeat, your body releases Leptin allowing it to travels to your brain, telling it you are full. Then, with all the calories you have ingested, your body REALLY wants to return to homeostasis or to what it perceives as normal. So it RAMPS up calories burning to try to get your body back to normal. This burns more calories.
Stimulating your metabolism BOOST Calories
preventing it from being stored as fat.
preventing it from being stored as fat.
This gives your body the burst to stimulate
What Else You Can Do...And you can help further INCREASE your metabolism by exercising. That’s right, exercise! Exercise burns extra calories which may help keep your metabolism and FAT burning firing.
Enjoy The Holidays (In Moderation)...The holiday season is a time of family, great food and LOADS of calories. Indulging a few times per year may stimulate your metabolism to new heights. Overeating may stimulate a very important hormone, possibly stimulating fat burning. And this happens is a NATURAL process and stimulates your metabolism to keep you at a healthy weight. But in order to maximize your metabolism-firing hormones, you need to do extra to keep it firing.
Exercise and getting back “on the wagon” the VERY NEXT day spells damage control for your body.
So enjoy yourself this holiday season!
Just remember to stick to your weight loss goals and enjoy yourself, and the feast in front of you!Because, who knows what will keep your METABOLISM firing!
What Else You Can Do...And you can help further INCREASE your metabolism by exercising. That’s right, exercise! Exercise burns extra calories which may help keep your metabolism and FAT burning firing.
Enjoy The Holidays (In Moderation)...The holiday season is a time of family, great food and LOADS of calories. Indulging a few times per year may stimulate your metabolism to new heights. Overeating may stimulate a very important hormone, possibly stimulating fat burning. And this happens is a NATURAL process and stimulates your metabolism to keep you at a healthy weight. But in order to maximize your metabolism-firing hormones, you need to do extra to keep it firing.
Exercise and getting back “on the wagon” the VERY NEXT day spells damage control for your body.
So enjoy yourself this holiday season!
Just remember to stick to your weight loss goals and enjoy yourself, and the feast in front of you!Because, who knows what will keep your METABOLISM firing!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Heartburn: Could It Be More Serious?
This time of year we eat too much. Why do we feel we will never be able to eat that food again?
This time of year we drink too much. Determine how many calories you drink throughout the holidays and
you will be surprised.
This time of year we stress too much. When we stress we pack on everything we eat and drink.
This time of year we put our exercise on the back burner. More than ever we should be exercising to offset our indulging of eating, drinking and stressing.
How often do you pop a couple antacid tablets and go on with your day? Have those tablets become part of your daily routine, like dessert after every meal? Do you ignore it, figuring you just ate too much or that the food was too spicy? Heartburn–that burning feeling in your lower chest and/or that sour taste in the back of your mouth–can sometimes be very serious.
If you frequently have heartburn, it can evolve into GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Not only can GERD be very painful it; it can also cause damage to your esophagus, leading esophagitis, indigestion, and upset stomach. When my symptoms started, I began taking regular antacid tablets and progressed to whatever the newest and most potent over the counter pill was available.
Heartburn is very common in US society for three main reasons: we often eat high-fat and otherwise unhealthy diets, we tend to be overweight, and we have stressful lifestyles. My symptoms began many years ago when I was pregnant. Other than the pregnancy, I wasn’t overweight, but of course all of my extra weight was in my abdomen. That put additional pressure on my stomach, forcing the juices and acid back up into the esophagus and eroding away at the esophageal lining. Problem is, after the baby was born, the symptoms did not go away–probably because of my former, very high-stress career and my tendency to internalize stress, not knowing the damage it was causing.
Listen to your body in order to decide when you should see a doctor. I am not a doctor, and I’m not trying to give you medical advice. However, the answers to the following questions may help you decide if the time has come to make an appointment. Remember to listen to what your body is telling you.
■Is your pain frequent (twice per week or more)?
■Is your pain severe?
■Has the pain gotten worse?
■Have antacids stopped working as well as they used to?
■Are antacids a part of your regular diet?
Whatever you do, don’t wait until your symptoms become severe. I actually started having chest pains so bad that I thought I was having heart attacks. It was very frightening, and it never had to get to that point. I went to the emergency room and was referred to a cardiologist for further testing. My heart was good, so I was referred to a gastroenterologist.
The gastroenterologist evaluated my symptoms right away. I had an endoscopy, which is considered an outpatient procedure. I was placed under a mild anesthetic, and a lighted tube with a camera was placed into my esophagus through my mouth. The doctor took pictures and measured the signs of damage. The results really opened my eyes to the problem with the statement, “It’s just a little heartburn.”
I was advised I had Barrett’s esophagus, which is a precancerous condition. My doctor prescribed a proton pump inhibitor which reduced the amount of acid my stomach was producing. In addition, the following lifestyle changes also helped me:
■I started eating smaller meals throughout the day, putting less stress on my stomach.
■I started exercising regularly.
■I lost weight (after the babies were born).
■I reduced my alcohol and caffeine intake. (This helps because alcohol and caffeine relax the muscle that keeps the acid from backing up.)
■I stopped eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. This was the hardest change because I have a busy life and often put dinner off until late at night. But this was also the most important change. I really notice a difference if I eat too late.
These are changes that will benefit almost everyone’s health–and not just when it comes to heartburn. On the other hand, if you are experiencing severe heartburn, you should probably go ahead and see a doctor right away. Lifestyle changes are a good thing, but you want to see your doctor—before permanent damage occurs. With a doctor’s help and lifestyle changes, you can probably reverse some of the effects even if you have full-blown GERD. If you are like me, the whole experience might just steer you down the path of a healthier lifestyle. I enjoy my life more than ever!
This time of year we drink too much. Determine how many calories you drink throughout the holidays and
you will be surprised.
This time of year we stress too much. When we stress we pack on everything we eat and drink.
This time of year we put our exercise on the back burner. More than ever we should be exercising to offset our indulging of eating, drinking and stressing.
How often do you pop a couple antacid tablets and go on with your day? Have those tablets become part of your daily routine, like dessert after every meal? Do you ignore it, figuring you just ate too much or that the food was too spicy? Heartburn–that burning feeling in your lower chest and/or that sour taste in the back of your mouth–can sometimes be very serious.
If you frequently have heartburn, it can evolve into GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Not only can GERD be very painful it; it can also cause damage to your esophagus, leading esophagitis, indigestion, and upset stomach. When my symptoms started, I began taking regular antacid tablets and progressed to whatever the newest and most potent over the counter pill was available.
Heartburn is very common in US society for three main reasons: we often eat high-fat and otherwise unhealthy diets, we tend to be overweight, and we have stressful lifestyles. My symptoms began many years ago when I was pregnant. Other than the pregnancy, I wasn’t overweight, but of course all of my extra weight was in my abdomen. That put additional pressure on my stomach, forcing the juices and acid back up into the esophagus and eroding away at the esophageal lining. Problem is, after the baby was born, the symptoms did not go away–probably because of my former, very high-stress career and my tendency to internalize stress, not knowing the damage it was causing.
Listen to your body in order to decide when you should see a doctor. I am not a doctor, and I’m not trying to give you medical advice. However, the answers to the following questions may help you decide if the time has come to make an appointment. Remember to listen to what your body is telling you.
■Is your pain frequent (twice per week or more)?
■Is your pain severe?
■Has the pain gotten worse?
■Have antacids stopped working as well as they used to?
■Are antacids a part of your regular diet?
Whatever you do, don’t wait until your symptoms become severe. I actually started having chest pains so bad that I thought I was having heart attacks. It was very frightening, and it never had to get to that point. I went to the emergency room and was referred to a cardiologist for further testing. My heart was good, so I was referred to a gastroenterologist.
The gastroenterologist evaluated my symptoms right away. I had an endoscopy, which is considered an outpatient procedure. I was placed under a mild anesthetic, and a lighted tube with a camera was placed into my esophagus through my mouth. The doctor took pictures and measured the signs of damage. The results really opened my eyes to the problem with the statement, “It’s just a little heartburn.”
I was advised I had Barrett’s esophagus, which is a precancerous condition. My doctor prescribed a proton pump inhibitor which reduced the amount of acid my stomach was producing. In addition, the following lifestyle changes also helped me:
■I started eating smaller meals throughout the day, putting less stress on my stomach.
■I started exercising regularly.
■I lost weight (after the babies were born).
■I reduced my alcohol and caffeine intake. (This helps because alcohol and caffeine relax the muscle that keeps the acid from backing up.)
■I stopped eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. This was the hardest change because I have a busy life and often put dinner off until late at night. But this was also the most important change. I really notice a difference if I eat too late.
These are changes that will benefit almost everyone’s health–and not just when it comes to heartburn. On the other hand, if you are experiencing severe heartburn, you should probably go ahead and see a doctor right away. Lifestyle changes are a good thing, but you want to see your doctor—before permanent damage occurs. With a doctor’s help and lifestyle changes, you can probably reverse some of the effects even if you have full-blown GERD. If you are like me, the whole experience might just steer you down the path of a healthier lifestyle. I enjoy my life more than ever!
Monday, December 26, 2011
When roadblocks get in your way, what strategies have you developed?
Recognizing what roadblocks throw you off course is the first step.
Developing strategies to help you through less desirable situation's is the 2nd step.
When you create strategies for problems that may come up, you won't get off track too much.
Strategy even trumps willpower. Studies show that willpower is actually in limited supply. Meaning, resist the cookie now, it might be harder to resist it later. Therefore, have the cookie, just don't have all of them. I believe it is more important to create your go to strategy, rather than just giving in. For example, if you eat ice cream every night, rather than trying to "be good" and resist it, simply remove it from the house. If you want ice cream then go out once a month to have it and park far away so you take a little stroll before and after.
If you consistently visit the vending machine because you don't have time to go buy something healthier, your strategy would be to pack your snacks the night before and take it with you. Pack a healthier version of what you are buying in the machine. Anyway, you get the point.
What situations cause you to miss meals, or make less than optimal choices? Planning what you eat really doesn't have to take too long, and in most cases, less time than sitting in the drive up lane. Take meals that you put together the night before and can just warm up in the microwave, I don't mean a frozen boxed meal I am talking about a healthy meal. Making up a batch of soups, chili's, stews etc really doesn't take too much time. Go to store and buy a big box of stack able containers that go from refrigerator to freezer to microwave. It really is a time saver and gives you healthier choices. I can help you with a healthy meal plan if needed.
Are you working so much that you are not getting out of that office chair? If so; set your watch or some other type of timer that reminds you to get up and move every hour or so. You will come back refreshed and able to tackle the work with better eyes. If you have stairs at work, it really only takes as long as a cigarette break to walk the stairs and then back to your desk.
What situations cause you to miss workouts? Is it the time it takes you to get to the club? Is it you just don't know what to do and don't want to have to think about it? I developed workouts you can do at home, in the park, in your hotel room or in your office. Is it that you just don't have the motivation to do it on your own? Attend a class or hire a Certified Personal Trainer to design a program for you.
Start recognizing your limitations and develop strategies that allow you to succeed. Don't start out the New Year like every other year by setting yourself up to fail.
Developing strategies to help you through less desirable situation's is the 2nd step.
When you create strategies for problems that may come up, you won't get off track too much.
Strategy even trumps willpower. Studies show that willpower is actually in limited supply. Meaning, resist the cookie now, it might be harder to resist it later. Therefore, have the cookie, just don't have all of them. I believe it is more important to create your go to strategy, rather than just giving in. For example, if you eat ice cream every night, rather than trying to "be good" and resist it, simply remove it from the house. If you want ice cream then go out once a month to have it and park far away so you take a little stroll before and after.
If you consistently visit the vending machine because you don't have time to go buy something healthier, your strategy would be to pack your snacks the night before and take it with you. Pack a healthier version of what you are buying in the machine. Anyway, you get the point.
What situations cause you to miss meals, or make less than optimal choices? Planning what you eat really doesn't have to take too long, and in most cases, less time than sitting in the drive up lane. Take meals that you put together the night before and can just warm up in the microwave, I don't mean a frozen boxed meal I am talking about a healthy meal. Making up a batch of soups, chili's, stews etc really doesn't take too much time. Go to store and buy a big box of stack able containers that go from refrigerator to freezer to microwave. It really is a time saver and gives you healthier choices. I can help you with a healthy meal plan if needed.
Are you working so much that you are not getting out of that office chair? If so; set your watch or some other type of timer that reminds you to get up and move every hour or so. You will come back refreshed and able to tackle the work with better eyes. If you have stairs at work, it really only takes as long as a cigarette break to walk the stairs and then back to your desk.
What situations cause you to miss workouts? Is it the time it takes you to get to the club? Is it you just don't know what to do and don't want to have to think about it? I developed workouts you can do at home, in the park, in your hotel room or in your office. Is it that you just don't have the motivation to do it on your own? Attend a class or hire a Certified Personal Trainer to design a program for you.
Start recognizing your limitations and develop strategies that allow you to succeed. Don't start out the New Year like every other year by setting yourself up to fail.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Bias Busters unveiled to combat weight stigma.
I came across this interesting information in the Tampa Bay Wellness magazine when I was in Tampa last month.
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) has unveiled a new initiative to combat weight bias and stigma, titled "Bias Busters." "Weight bias and discrimination create significant obstacles for individuals affected by obesity. From weight bias in healthcare settings to pop culture, these individuals are often targets of unfair, disrespectful treatment because of their weight. No other disease is the focus of discrimination as well as jokes, ridicule or humor," said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
The goal of "Bias Busters" is to engage the public in the conversation of weight bias and stigma, and raise awareness of the prevalence of the issue in today's society. "Bias Busters" will highlight examples of weight bias that emerge in the news and media, and provide individuals with an opportunity to respond and let their voices be heard. "Bias Busters' also provides information about the nature and extent of weight bias and invites the public to share their own examples of bias with the OAC through their website.
We recognized a need to increase awareness of the pervasive weight bias and stigma in today's society. Bias Busters gives individuals the opportunity to learn about, and speak out against, examples of weight stigma, and provides a new opportunity for the OAC to raise broader public awareness of weight bias and its harmful consequences," said Rebecca Puhl, PhD, OAC Boad Member and Chairman of the OAC Weight Bias Committee.
Obesity affects more than 93 millions Americans nationwide. In addition to the debilitating effects of obesity, individuals affected must also face weight bias and stigma. Bias and stigma exist in social settings, school, healthcare, pop culture and much more. Weight bias is especially prevalent in children affected by obesity, which can lead to bullying and stigmatization. Since the OAC's inception, advocacy efforts have been focused on combating weight bias and stigma and have seen many great successes due to the overwhelming support and involvement of its members.
The OAC is a National nonprofit charity dedicated to helping individuals affected by obesity. The OAC was formed to bring together individuals struggling with weight issues and provide educational resources and advocacy tools.
If you or anyone you know wishes to lose some weight to feel better, be healthier please visit
Power By Choice and be your best infinite self.
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) has unveiled a new initiative to combat weight bias and stigma, titled "Bias Busters." "Weight bias and discrimination create significant obstacles for individuals affected by obesity. From weight bias in healthcare settings to pop culture, these individuals are often targets of unfair, disrespectful treatment because of their weight. No other disease is the focus of discrimination as well as jokes, ridicule or humor," said Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO.
The goal of "Bias Busters" is to engage the public in the conversation of weight bias and stigma, and raise awareness of the prevalence of the issue in today's society. "Bias Busters" will highlight examples of weight bias that emerge in the news and media, and provide individuals with an opportunity to respond and let their voices be heard. "Bias Busters' also provides information about the nature and extent of weight bias and invites the public to share their own examples of bias with the OAC through their website.
We recognized a need to increase awareness of the pervasive weight bias and stigma in today's society. Bias Busters gives individuals the opportunity to learn about, and speak out against, examples of weight stigma, and provides a new opportunity for the OAC to raise broader public awareness of weight bias and its harmful consequences," said Rebecca Puhl, PhD, OAC Boad Member and Chairman of the OAC Weight Bias Committee.
Obesity affects more than 93 millions Americans nationwide. In addition to the debilitating effects of obesity, individuals affected must also face weight bias and stigma. Bias and stigma exist in social settings, school, healthcare, pop culture and much more. Weight bias is especially prevalent in children affected by obesity, which can lead to bullying and stigmatization. Since the OAC's inception, advocacy efforts have been focused on combating weight bias and stigma and have seen many great successes due to the overwhelming support and involvement of its members.
The OAC is a National nonprofit charity dedicated to helping individuals affected by obesity. The OAC was formed to bring together individuals struggling with weight issues and provide educational resources and advocacy tools.
If you or anyone you know wishes to lose some weight to feel better, be healthier please visit
Power By Choice and be your best infinite self.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Creating the body you want with new choices.
This is a great article by Paige Burkes and you can see more on her website
Abusing our bodies. How do you feel about your body? How does your body feel?
It’s amazing how disconnected we are from our bodies even though our bodies are what physically get us through our days. Our minds take over telling us that we must be productive – get things done! It’s also what society tells us is important. We are the things we accomplish.
It’s time we start breaking those rules, standards, expectations. Honestly, we can’t accomplish much if our bodies aren't properly cared for. And you know this but you continue to put caring for yourself off to when you “have the time.” You stay up late watching TV or working, cutting into the precious hours of sleep that you know you need.
You have dessert for breakfast with the big coffee drinks (have you checked the sugar and calorie content in those things?) and drink more coffee and each more carbs and sugar throughout the day to keep you going. Gotta be productive, right? You grab whatever is fast and convenient because you don’t “have” the time to think about something healthier. You actually have the time. You don’t choose to take it.
You skip your workout because you’ve got some pending deadline or you’re so tired that you just don’t feel like it. And where does that leave you? Tired, spent, fuzzy headed, stressed, anxious, weak. There’s a much better way and you know it. You hear about how to live a healthier lifestyle all the time. So why aren’t we all choosing this lifestyle?
Because it’s hard to stop and be still and listen to what’s really going on inside of us. Sometimes it’s downright painful. It’s so much easier to gloss over the tough stuff inside with the easy stuff outside.
My question to you is: Do you want to feel this way for the rest of your life? That’s a long time. And your life is all you have.
A powerful 10 minutes. Instead of making New Year’s resolutions that you’ll never keep for more than a couple weeks or saying that you’ll change your ways – promise! - or going on yet another diet, how about just sitting still for 10 minutes every day?
At first 10 minutes will be painful. Start with one or two if that’s the case and build up slowly over time.
Commit to devoting 10 minutes each day for you. You’re so worth it. And what do you do during those 10 minutes? Nothing but breathe.
Don’t do anything. Just be. And breathe. Do a body scan and notice the sensations in every part of your body. Notice your thoughts. Don’t judge them or yourself for having them. How do you feel in the moment? Where in your body do you feel that feeling?
Whatever you’re experiencing in the moment - experience it fully with an inquisitive mind, a beginner’s mind. No judgment. No attachment. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions or feelings.
All of these things are temporary. They come and go. You are still as they come and go.
If you’re experiencing something painful, stay with it. It has something very important to tell you. Treat the pain, whether it’s physical or emotional, as another person or being and have a conversation with it. Be inquisitive and light. Ask it why it’s there. Ask it what message it has for you. Take whatever message you receive to heart.
All of this may seem totally hokey and woo-woo to some of you but, trust me, it works. This is one way to practice mindfulness. Understanding choices. Now what does any of this have to do with having a healthier body?
It’s all about the choices we make in every second of every day and night.
It takes mindfulness to understand why we make the choices we do. Without getting to the core of a problem (the driver of our choices), anything we do only treats the symptoms and the problem will rear its ugly head again and again. This is actually what anti-depressants and anti-biotics do and doctors prescribe them over and over because it’s not their job to get to the heart of the problem.
It’s our job.
Do you overeat and remain overweight because you experienced some kind of hurt or abuse and now you can’t bear to allow others to be close to you so you use the weight to keep yourself unattractive? Are you driven to work crazy hours, sacrificing exercise and sleep, because of an internal belief that you’re not good enough and, no matter what you do, you’ll never be good enough but you push yourself harder and harder anyway?
Or do you over-exercise for the same reasons?
Do you have a big enough “why” to compel you to make the changes you say you want to make? Without understanding your why and keeping it front and center, without understanding why you make the choices you do, lasting change is almost impossible. Implementing mindfulness.
If you decide that you want to lose weight, before making any changes, start to notice how you feel when you make the choice of what to put in your mouth throughout your day. Why did you choose what you chose? Before you take the next bite, ask yourself if you really want it. How will it make you feel in an hour or the next day?
If you want to start a regular exercise program, start to notice how you feel when you wake up and at other times during the day. Could you motivate yourself to even the easiest of exercises? If not, why not? If you can, then do that exercise. Notice how you feel with either choice.
One of the keys to mindfulness is to notice things without judging them. Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to live up to what others think you should do. Or what you think others think you should do.
It’s not going to work for everyone to get up early, exercise for an hour, eat a big, healthy breakfast and hit the day running.
I started experimenting with my day and found that I feel much better when I exercise around 1pm or 2pm in the afternoon instead of 5am like I did for years. I found that I’m not very hungry until later in the morning and I only need about half of what I had been eating. I noticed how full I felt after eating only half of my bowl of oatmeal.
At the tender age of 44 I’m finally learning how to not eat everything on my plate like I was made to do as a child. It actually took my husband pointing it out to me for me to realize I was doing it. Thankfully I’ve been blessed with a healthy metabolism. Simple steps.
Mindfulness is a practice. Like any practice, at first we have to remind ourselves to practice the practice.
Consider setting an hourly timer on your phone (there are a variety of mindfulness apps out there). Or put a ring on a finger that you don’t normally wear it on. Whenever those things capture your attention, remember to be mindful of your thoughts, emotions and actions in the moment.
How do you want your body to look and feel? Are your moment-to-moment to choices supporting that vision? Make your health your choice, not your obligation.
Don't make another New Years Resolution knowing you will not keep it. Contact me if you want to make a lifestyle change. You will not regret it.
Abusing our bodies. How do you feel about your body? How does your body feel?
It’s amazing how disconnected we are from our bodies even though our bodies are what physically get us through our days. Our minds take over telling us that we must be productive – get things done! It’s also what society tells us is important. We are the things we accomplish.
It’s time we start breaking those rules, standards, expectations. Honestly, we can’t accomplish much if our bodies aren't properly cared for. And you know this but you continue to put caring for yourself off to when you “have the time.” You stay up late watching TV or working, cutting into the precious hours of sleep that you know you need.
You have dessert for breakfast with the big coffee drinks (have you checked the sugar and calorie content in those things?) and drink more coffee and each more carbs and sugar throughout the day to keep you going. Gotta be productive, right? You grab whatever is fast and convenient because you don’t “have” the time to think about something healthier. You actually have the time. You don’t choose to take it.
You skip your workout because you’ve got some pending deadline or you’re so tired that you just don’t feel like it. And where does that leave you? Tired, spent, fuzzy headed, stressed, anxious, weak. There’s a much better way and you know it. You hear about how to live a healthier lifestyle all the time. So why aren’t we all choosing this lifestyle?
Because it’s hard to stop and be still and listen to what’s really going on inside of us. Sometimes it’s downright painful. It’s so much easier to gloss over the tough stuff inside with the easy stuff outside.
My question to you is: Do you want to feel this way for the rest of your life? That’s a long time. And your life is all you have.
A powerful 10 minutes. Instead of making New Year’s resolutions that you’ll never keep for more than a couple weeks or saying that you’ll change your ways – promise! - or going on yet another diet, how about just sitting still for 10 minutes every day?
At first 10 minutes will be painful. Start with one or two if that’s the case and build up slowly over time.
Commit to devoting 10 minutes each day for you. You’re so worth it. And what do you do during those 10 minutes? Nothing but breathe.
Don’t do anything. Just be. And breathe. Do a body scan and notice the sensations in every part of your body. Notice your thoughts. Don’t judge them or yourself for having them. How do you feel in the moment? Where in your body do you feel that feeling?
Whatever you’re experiencing in the moment - experience it fully with an inquisitive mind, a beginner’s mind. No judgment. No attachment. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions or feelings.
All of these things are temporary. They come and go. You are still as they come and go.
If you’re experiencing something painful, stay with it. It has something very important to tell you. Treat the pain, whether it’s physical or emotional, as another person or being and have a conversation with it. Be inquisitive and light. Ask it why it’s there. Ask it what message it has for you. Take whatever message you receive to heart.
All of this may seem totally hokey and woo-woo to some of you but, trust me, it works. This is one way to practice mindfulness. Understanding choices. Now what does any of this have to do with having a healthier body?
It’s all about the choices we make in every second of every day and night.
It takes mindfulness to understand why we make the choices we do. Without getting to the core of a problem (the driver of our choices), anything we do only treats the symptoms and the problem will rear its ugly head again and again. This is actually what anti-depressants and anti-biotics do and doctors prescribe them over and over because it’s not their job to get to the heart of the problem.
It’s our job.
Do you overeat and remain overweight because you experienced some kind of hurt or abuse and now you can’t bear to allow others to be close to you so you use the weight to keep yourself unattractive? Are you driven to work crazy hours, sacrificing exercise and sleep, because of an internal belief that you’re not good enough and, no matter what you do, you’ll never be good enough but you push yourself harder and harder anyway?
Or do you over-exercise for the same reasons?
Do you have a big enough “why” to compel you to make the changes you say you want to make? Without understanding your why and keeping it front and center, without understanding why you make the choices you do, lasting change is almost impossible. Implementing mindfulness.
If you decide that you want to lose weight, before making any changes, start to notice how you feel when you make the choice of what to put in your mouth throughout your day. Why did you choose what you chose? Before you take the next bite, ask yourself if you really want it. How will it make you feel in an hour or the next day?
If you want to start a regular exercise program, start to notice how you feel when you wake up and at other times during the day. Could you motivate yourself to even the easiest of exercises? If not, why not? If you can, then do that exercise. Notice how you feel with either choice.
One of the keys to mindfulness is to notice things without judging them. Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to live up to what others think you should do. Or what you think others think you should do.
It’s not going to work for everyone to get up early, exercise for an hour, eat a big, healthy breakfast and hit the day running.
I started experimenting with my day and found that I feel much better when I exercise around 1pm or 2pm in the afternoon instead of 5am like I did for years. I found that I’m not very hungry until later in the morning and I only need about half of what I had been eating. I noticed how full I felt after eating only half of my bowl of oatmeal.
At the tender age of 44 I’m finally learning how to not eat everything on my plate like I was made to do as a child. It actually took my husband pointing it out to me for me to realize I was doing it. Thankfully I’ve been blessed with a healthy metabolism. Simple steps.
Mindfulness is a practice. Like any practice, at first we have to remind ourselves to practice the practice.
Consider setting an hourly timer on your phone (there are a variety of mindfulness apps out there). Or put a ring on a finger that you don’t normally wear it on. Whenever those things capture your attention, remember to be mindful of your thoughts, emotions and actions in the moment.
How do you want your body to look and feel? Are your moment-to-moment to choices supporting that vision? Make your health your choice, not your obligation.
Don't make another New Years Resolution knowing you will not keep it. Contact me if you want to make a lifestyle change. You will not regret it.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Set up one-on-one time
Create opportunities to interact one on one time with your boss, your children, your spouse, your friends, and your employees. When you listen, you learn, which opens the door to creative solutions and mutual trust.
As business people we are familiar with the one on one, we meet up with a fellow business person to get to know them just a little bit better. We should do that with people more often in our personal lives too. Call up a neighbor and go out for coffee and get to know each other outside of the neighborhood, you would be surprised how much you can learn about each other.
Ask your boss or co workers out for a cup of tea and try to talk about anything other than work. Make an date with your children and go to the park for a couple hours and loosen up, have fun.
Make a date with your spouse and do something or go somewhere you have done or been before. Listen to them when other's are around and talking about things or places they have experienced and if your spouse comments, take a mental note and surprise them at a later time.
It really is easy to add some interest to the relationships around you, give it a try.
As business people we are familiar with the one on one, we meet up with a fellow business person to get to know them just a little bit better. We should do that with people more often in our personal lives too. Call up a neighbor and go out for coffee and get to know each other outside of the neighborhood, you would be surprised how much you can learn about each other.
Ask your boss or co workers out for a cup of tea and try to talk about anything other than work. Make an date with your children and go to the park for a couple hours and loosen up, have fun.
Make a date with your spouse and do something or go somewhere you have done or been before. Listen to them when other's are around and talking about things or places they have experienced and if your spouse comments, take a mental note and surprise them at a later time.
It really is easy to add some interest to the relationships around you, give it a try.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Way To Stop The Silent Killer From Striking
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES
Now that you know about the new SILENT KILLER lurking in the shadows and around every corner of YOUR body, next you need to learn ways to STOP this KILLER from destroying your cells.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to understand how different ways of fighting INFLAMMATION can cost you $$$. Give me a minute to explain. To fight inflammation and stop it in its tracks, you need to inflammatory fighting ingredients (YOUR “MISSILES”) and plenty of cash in your RESERVE.
It’s going to be a LONG battle! There are three methods to fighting inflammation.
- Pain relievers
- Corticosteroids
- All-natural alternatives, like fruits and vegetables!
The only problem: pain relievers and Corticosteroids can be taxing to YOUR body, especially YOUR kidneys and liver, and the amount of fruits and vegetables you need PER DAY is enormous!
Typically, you pick up this drug to stop the pain and reduce the inflammation.
NSAIDs block the production of prostaglandins, which are mediators for many physiological functions in YOUR body. The problem with blocking these important regulators is that NSAIDs block ALL production of prostaglandins in the body.
This may disrupt normal functions of important organs, like the lining of the intestines and stomach.
The responsibilities of Prostaglandins are to protect the stomach and intestinal lining, control blood pressure, regulate pain and inflammation, and regulate dilation and constriction of veins and arteries.
When prostaglandins are blocked, DAMAGE may occur to the STOMACH lining and GASTROINTESTINAL lining, leading to bleeding.
High doses of NSAIDs can also lead to the release of creatinine from the kidneys, which may be an indicator of RENAL FAILURE. Whatever you put in the body, your liver has to process it. The liver is a big sac of blood, full of enzymes and other cells which process and filter the blood.
NSAIDS, therefore, need to move through the liver, and get processed just like everything else!
Too much NSAIDs cause the liver to work overtime, which may result in increased liver functions.
Our bodies just do not want to work that hard to fight INFLAMMATION.
But wait…..there’s one more inflammatory medication we need to talk about.
- Corticosteroids
Diabetic patients can see BLOOD SUGAR skyrocket, and non-diabetics may see INCREASED weight and BLOATING.
Corticosteroids are potent anti-inflammatory medications used in severe inflammatory cases, such as arthritis and asthma, or in diseases where you do not produce enough adrenaline. Adrenaline is secreted by adrenal glands, which are found on top of your kidneys.
Corticosteroids increase the level of adrenaline already circulating in the body.
This is WAY above the normal level you usually secrete. Extra adrenaline quiets inflammation, especially inflammation you may experience with asthma, severe arthritis, or other chronic inflammatory diseases.
Corticosteroids suppress the immune system. This shuts off white blood and Killer cells which would normally attack foreign bodies. But suppressing the IMMUNE SYSTEM may lead to SICKNESS!
Other side effects of Corticosteroids MAY include:
• Elevated pressure in the eyes
• Fluid retention causing swelling in the lower legs (BLOATING)
• Increased blood pressure
• Mood swings
The other weapon comes in a very natural state and form!
- Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which are great for maintaining health and wellness. Fruits and vegetables have been proven time and time again to reduce inflammation due to the high nutrient content and extra vitamins and minerals.
But how much do you need in order to fight inflammation? Good question! The answer will SHOCK you, though!
Here is the breakdown of nutrients and super foods you would have to eat EVERY DAY to fight off inflammation and the associated damage it may cause.
You would have to eat:
• 1 apple ($1 worth)
• 4-6 cups blueberries ($7-$8 worth)
• 2 to 3 pounds of aloe ($5 worth)
• 4 cups of yogurt ($5 worth)
• High quality mushrooms ($3-$4 worth)
• Oatmeal ($2 worth)
• Cinnamon ($2.50 worth)
• And other fruits and vegetables ($2 worth)
So you are looking at A LOT of FOOD and a high PRICE TAG - anywhere between $28 to $30 dollars PER DAY!
This is just the nutrition you need to FIGHT INFLAMMATION, without talking about protein, carbohydrates, and fats! Add this to your daily nutrition, and you can almost guarantee your calories will go up, which may INCREASE your weight as well.Is There A Better Way?The use of NSAIDs and Corticosteroids is a practice which many of us are familiar with.
Mainstream nutrition and the incorporation of super foods have also gained a tremendous amount of publicity in recent times in reducing INFLAMMATION, and providing your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy!
Still, there has got to be an EASIER WAY to reduce inflammation and protect our cells from DAMAGE.
Could there be…? visit Prograde and read further
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
EASIER WEIGHT LOSS! “Lower Body Weight, Smaller Stomach, Lower Hip Size”!
Do you know anyone who just can't make it through the day without pain? Now you can ‘upgrade” your Omega-3 rich Fish Oil capsules to ones that are proven 47 times more effective for your health …. and for no additional cost!
As you know, leading natural health experts recommend everyone should be taking Fish Oil. The main reason is the Omega 3 antioxidants in it reduce health-killing free radicals in your body.
But this breaking new research proves you should upgrade from your regular fish oil because a new kind works much better. It gives you more of the health benefits you want most – now and in the future.
The news is that Krill Fish Oil has proven far superior to regular Fish Oil for your health. In fact, a recent McGill University study by R.Bunea, M.D., K. Farrah, M.D. and L. Deutsch, M.D. showed:
Here are more proven clinical study results …Good Cholesterol rose 10 times more than with regular fish oil. (HDL 44% vs. 4.2%)
Bad Cholesterol dropped 16 times more than with regular fish oil. (LDL 32% vs. 2%)
PAIN reduced 3 times more in only seven days than with regular fish oil (-30 vs. -10; study at Western Ontario and McMaster University WOMAC scores)
As you can plainly see, you get a lot more health benefits to make you feel and look your best, relieve your health problems naturally, and help prevent serious illnesses.FASTER and EASIER WEIGHT LOSS by improved glucose metabolism and stabilization of blood sugar levels and start an exercise program
BETTER HEART HEALTH by reducing inflammation
Prevention of blood clots and high blood pressure that lead to heart attack and stroke
Reduced risk of death from heart problems. “It reduces the risk of forming a blood clot – a major factor in heart attacks” write authors Dr. Frank Ryan and Dr Reg Saynor, who turned 80 earlier this year, looking barely a day over 50 – a fact he credits to this SuperFood supplement!
Decreased joint pain
Improves mood and provides relief of PMS symptoms for women

You see, the fish or crustracean we use to get our fish oil from is NOT the cheap stuff, but is Krill oil. Krill fish oil is very different than regular fish oil. If you haven’t heard of Krill before, its because its very hard to get. Krill are small crustaceans found in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Ocean. The extraction of oil from Krill is a relatively new technology.
Prograde ® EFA Icon Krill Fish Oil ™ is much better for your health than regular Fish Oil for many reasons including …
#1. The antioxidant power is 297 times greater than vitamin A or E, and 47 times greater than regular fish oil! Regular fish oil is very low in antioxidant content. This is measured by the standard ORAC value.
#2. Its most powerful antioxidant effects are produced by astaxanthin which is NOT contained in regular fish oil . It readily crosses the blood-brain barrier, which helps to both protect and stimulate the brain for a better mood, better memory and clearer thinking.
#3. This is important: Krill Oil contains phospholipids which form a microscopic barrier that helps cells filter out toxins and free radical damage that can result in serious illnesses. Regular fish oil does NOT contain this.
#4. It has 500% better absorption by your body than regular fish oil, according to U.S. Government National Institutes Of Health.
#5. There is NO fishy aftertaste or digestion problems. No “fish burps”, or acid reflux that often occur with regular fish oil.
And if all that isn’t enough to get you to upgrade now, get this …

In fact, The FDA and EPA have issued health alerts warning against eating certain fish for young children, women who are pregnant (or may become pregnant) and for nursing mothers. According to the Mercury Policy Project, a 132 pound woman who eats 12 ounces of canned tuna a week could exceed the EPA’s “safe limit” by 350%!
Is farm-raised fish is a healthier option? No. These fish farms use hormones, chemicals and antibiotics so farms can earn more profit, and the fish can still have mercury and poisonous PCBs.
On the other hand, KRILL are tiny deepwater crustaceans at the very bottom of the food chain and completely free of unhealthy toxins and pollution commonly found in regular fish oil.
Want even more proof? Doctors in Japan have already switched their patients from regular fish oil to krill oil. The health benefits reported have been amazing!
Click here for 13% off and use coupon EFA13 at checkout.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Go Nuts! One of nature's superfoods comes out of its shell.
By Beth Howard AARP
Almonds used to get all the accolades in the nut family. Now research shows that nuts of all kinds are some of nature's top sources of disease-fighting antioxidants, protein, fiber, and mono-and polyunsaturated oils.
Need evidence? Data from the University of Toronto show that replacing 50 grams of carbs (about a muffin's worth) in your diet with 2.5 ounces of nuts each day helps control blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. Mice that ate a walnut-rich diet (the equivalent of 2 ounces daily in humans) were half as likely to develop breast cancer as those that didn't eat nuts, according to another study. And when researchers recently pooed the results of 25 clinical trials, they found that eating 2.4 ounces of any kind of nuts a day lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol by up to 7 percent and total cholesterol by up to 5 percent. Other studies have shown that people who eat several servings of nuts a week slash their cardiovascular risks by up to 74 percent, compared with those who eat nuts less than once a week.
If you're worried about nuts high fat content, don't be. Women who consumed two or more nut servings per week had a slightly lower risk of obesity than those who ate nuts less frequently or not at all, the long running Nurses' Health Study from the Harvard School of Public Health recently discovered.
"Nuts increase satiety," explains Joan Salge Blake, a registered dietitian and clinical associate professor in nutrition at Boston University. "That helps your meals go a little longer, so you don't snack as often."
Just don't eat too many. Stick to a daily serving-enough to fill only the palm of your hand.
What's in a Nut? They are high in calories and fat, but they offer some significant health benefits.
Walnuts - 185 per ounce (14 nut halves) and lowers breast cancer risk
Sunflower seeds - 165 per ounce (about 1/4 cup) and lowers LDL cholesterol
Almonds - 169 claories per ounce (22 nuts) and reduces insulin resistance and LDL cholesterol
Peanuts - 166 calories per ounce (25-28 nuts) helps control diabetes and reduces "bad" LDL cholesterol
Macadamia nuts - 204 calories per ounce (10-12 nuts) and lowers LDL cholesterol
Pecans - 196 calories per ounce (19 nut halves) and lowers LDL cholesterol
Pistachios - 161calories per ounce (49 nuts) may help reduce lung cancer risk and improves HDL
What nuts do you have in your kitchen? I have pine nuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts right now and now I see I have to go nut shopping, I am a little low.
Need help shopping or with meal plans, contact Perfect Fit
Almonds used to get all the accolades in the nut family. Now research shows that nuts of all kinds are some of nature's top sources of disease-fighting antioxidants, protein, fiber, and mono-and polyunsaturated oils.
Need evidence? Data from the University of Toronto show that replacing 50 grams of carbs (about a muffin's worth) in your diet with 2.5 ounces of nuts each day helps control blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. Mice that ate a walnut-rich diet (the equivalent of 2 ounces daily in humans) were half as likely to develop breast cancer as those that didn't eat nuts, according to another study. And when researchers recently pooed the results of 25 clinical trials, they found that eating 2.4 ounces of any kind of nuts a day lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol by up to 7 percent and total cholesterol by up to 5 percent. Other studies have shown that people who eat several servings of nuts a week slash their cardiovascular risks by up to 74 percent, compared with those who eat nuts less than once a week.
If you're worried about nuts high fat content, don't be. Women who consumed two or more nut servings per week had a slightly lower risk of obesity than those who ate nuts less frequently or not at all, the long running Nurses' Health Study from the Harvard School of Public Health recently discovered.
"Nuts increase satiety," explains Joan Salge Blake, a registered dietitian and clinical associate professor in nutrition at Boston University. "That helps your meals go a little longer, so you don't snack as often."
Just don't eat too many. Stick to a daily serving-enough to fill only the palm of your hand.
What's in a Nut? They are high in calories and fat, but they offer some significant health benefits.
Walnuts - 185 per ounce (14 nut halves) and lowers breast cancer risk
Sunflower seeds - 165 per ounce (about 1/4 cup) and lowers LDL cholesterol
Almonds - 169 claories per ounce (22 nuts) and reduces insulin resistance and LDL cholesterol
Peanuts - 166 calories per ounce (25-28 nuts) helps control diabetes and reduces "bad" LDL cholesterol
Macadamia nuts - 204 calories per ounce (10-12 nuts) and lowers LDL cholesterol
Pecans - 196 calories per ounce (19 nut halves) and lowers LDL cholesterol
Pistachios - 161calories per ounce (49 nuts) may help reduce lung cancer risk and improves HDL
What nuts do you have in your kitchen? I have pine nuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts right now and now I see I have to go nut shopping, I am a little low.
Need help shopping or with meal plans, contact Perfect Fit
Monday, December 19, 2011
For the holiday's, give yourself gifts that cost nothing.
By Dr's. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden
Strive to keep on gifting yourself all year. It's that time of year again when most of us get into that revved-up shopping mode, trying to get or make that perfect gift for everyone on our list. For us to be able to truly give to others, we first have to fill our own well, so this year we invite you to think about gifting from a different point of view:
Strive to keep on gifting yourself all year. It's that time of year again when most of us get into that revved-up shopping mode, trying to get or make that perfect gift for everyone on our list. For us to be able to truly give to others, we first have to fill our own well, so this year we invite you to think about gifting from a different point of view:
- Give yourself the gift of courage. When you are feeling down or discouraged, or maybe lonely or not living up to your own holiday expectations, muster up the courage to reach out, call a trusted friend and share your feelings. It is in the sharing of our own imperfections, that we learn to cultivate self-acceptance and compassion. And the more we practice this skill, the better we get at it, and the closer we feel to the people around us.
- Give yourself the gift of authenticity. If this were the last holiday season you were ever going to celebrate, what would you do with your time and your money? Taking action by living from our authentic selves is enlivening and life-enhancing.
- Give yourself the gift of generosity. Volunteer your time with and organization that reflects your deepest values. When we give to others who have less than we do, or who may be struggling to get their feet on the ground, we get to see ourselves as a contribution. we also get to connect humanity that we share with all people.
- Give yourself the gift of acknowledgment. pay attention to the times when you act from your heart, with love and kindness and give yourself an appreciative hug.
- Give yourself the gift of time. Schedule small, joyful activities on your calendar, like sharing a glass of wine with your best friend, and be present to how you feel when you stop to connect with someone that you love.
- Give yourself the gift of patience. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, that you are doing the best that you can, and that everything that you truly need will show up at the perfect time.
- Give yourself the gift of laughter. A great time to do this is when your neighbor rings your doorbell and your house is a wreck. Learning to laugh at ourselves and our imperfections is a great way to experience the perfection of life exactly as it is right now.
- Give yourself the gift of gratitude. By practicing gratitude, by acknowledging the abundance in our lives every day, we balance our tendency toward scarcity with the experience of being cared for and supported. When we hold the space for goodness, when we train ourselves to see goodness in the world, it has the habit of showing up for us. When we cultivate these qualities in ourselves - courage, compassion, authenticity, generosity, laughter, gratitude or whatever qualities call to you - we not only tend to feel better physically and emotionally, but we also see these qualities in those around us. It's good medicine, not only now, but all through the year.
Give yourself the gift of health visit Power By Choice Blog
Power By Choice gift cards are available now, buy $100 get $50 bonus and can be used on all regularly priced services.
Power By Choice gift cards are available now, buy $100 get $50 bonus and can be used on all regularly priced services.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Mood and Food
By Holly St Lifer AARP
Can't lose weight? You personality may be to blame. Your character may affect your weight as much as your diet does, according to a new National Institute on Aging study. Researchers found that impulsive people weigh about 22 pounds more than those who are cautious. Antagonistic folks gained 10 pounds more over their lifetime than did their friendlier counterparts (angry people tend to binge eat, previous studies have reported). those who are conscientious weigh the least: about 8 pounds less than those who are not as dutiful. "While you can't change your personality, you can change your eating behavior based on what you know about your personality," says lead researcher Angelina R. Sutin, Ph.D. "So impulsive individuals might eat less if they plan their meals in advance."
I know when working with clients that their mood affects not only their eating habits, but their coping habits, exercise habits and stress reducing methods. We can use this study as yet another excuse to say SEE its not my fault or we can take charge of our habits. Seek out the help of professionals such as Nutritionist, Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer to guide you.
Can't lose weight? You personality may be to blame. Your character may affect your weight as much as your diet does, according to a new National Institute on Aging study. Researchers found that impulsive people weigh about 22 pounds more than those who are cautious. Antagonistic folks gained 10 pounds more over their lifetime than did their friendlier counterparts (angry people tend to binge eat, previous studies have reported). those who are conscientious weigh the least: about 8 pounds less than those who are not as dutiful. "While you can't change your personality, you can change your eating behavior based on what you know about your personality," says lead researcher Angelina R. Sutin, Ph.D. "So impulsive individuals might eat less if they plan their meals in advance."
I know when working with clients that their mood affects not only their eating habits, but their coping habits, exercise habits and stress reducing methods. We can use this study as yet another excuse to say SEE its not my fault or we can take charge of our habits. Seek out the help of professionals such as Nutritionist, Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer to guide you.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Are you a sugar junkie?
For some people, sugar can be as addicting as any other addiction such as alcohol, drugs, or caffeine. If you are a diabetic you probably have a pretty good idea of what I am talking about. You crave it, eat it and and then it sends your blood sugar soaring. That can cause tremendous problems with your health.
It is getting harder and harder to shop for healthier foods because there are so many other names for sugar. Today, it can be in foods you wouldn't haven't thought of; sugar can be found in canned vegetables, tomato sauce and even in meats. We know sugar is in all those fun, tasty things like candy, fudge, cookies, and most of the cereals that our children eat. It is even more confusing and challenging to eat healthier when you have to read every label, but it's also worth it.
Joshua Carter of Carter Fitness advises you to stay away from these 4 breakfast foods:
1. Breakfast pastry: Muffins, doughnuts, bear claws and croissants sure taste good with coffee, but all those refined carbs are going to cause unwanted weight gain. But you knew that, right?
2. Granola Bars: Watch out for the breakfast bars that claim to give you fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Check the number of carbs and sugars on the back of the label - most contain the same sugar as a pastry. That is probably what makes them taste so good (and why you should avoid them like the plague)
3. Cereal: Here's another popular breakfast item that has tons of sugar lurking beneath its surface. I think the concept of a "healthy" cereal is one of the BIGGEST lies perpetrated by the health food industry. Carbs upon carbs.
4. Drive Thru Breakfast Sandwich: Oh please. Don't even think about heading to the drive thru for a quick breakfast sandwich. You are much better off grabbing a hard boiled egg from home to enjoy on your commute.
So before rushing out the door this morning, make sure to give yourself a good start to the day. Fuel yourself up with a quick, healthy breakfast. (Just because it's quick does not mean it has to be unhealthy.)
Want to burn fat throughout the day? - Then don't start your day with a boat load of sugar.
It’s difficult to deny our love for sweet things, but sometimes it’s more difficult to break the addictive cycle of processed sugar. I don’t believe that any food is innately bad. It’s not what you eat some of the time; it’s what you eat most of the time that makes a difference. You have also heard of the saying "everything in moderation", which may be ok for most but again the diabetic has to be very careful and cut out most of the sugar from their eating plan.
Learning how to read food label's and educating yourself can be a full time job but one well worth it if means a longer healthier life. Knowing and listening to your body when it’s sending you physical and emotional cues is important.
Try experimenting with these sugar alternatives, derived from natural, less-processed ingredients. You may find you’ll reduce your sweet tooth and give yourself some lasting energy.
Maple Syrup – Maple syrup is made from boiled down maple tree sap and contains minerals like magnesium and zinc. It adds a tasty flavor to your morning oatmeal and is great for baking. Be sure to buy 100% pure maple syrup, and not maple flavored corn syrup.
Honey – One of the oldest natural sweeteners, honey is sweeter than sugar. Raw honey contains small amounts of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It’s also great for baking, adding to sauces, smoothies or your cup of tea.
Molasses – Organic molasses is probably the most nutritious sweetener. It is derived from sugar cane or sugar beet and is made by a process of clarifying and bending the extracted juices. Blackstrap molasses, the most nutritious variety, is a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Stevia – The extract from stevia is 100 to 300 times sweeter than white sugar. It can be used in cooking, baking and beverages, does not affect blood sugar levels and has zero calories. Be sure to get the green or brown liquids or powders, as the white and clear versions are highly refined.
Date Sugar – Date sugar consists of finely ground, dehydrated dates, utilizing this fruit’s vitamin, mineral, and fiber content. It can be used as direct replacement for sugar, and comes in a granulated form.
If you are a diabetic, please always check with your doctor before trying new sugars and sugar alternatives.
For other interesting articles,tips and exercises relating to nutrition, health and fitness check out my website
It is getting harder and harder to shop for healthier foods because there are so many other names for sugar. Today, it can be in foods you wouldn't haven't thought of; sugar can be found in canned vegetables, tomato sauce and even in meats. We know sugar is in all those fun, tasty things like candy, fudge, cookies, and most of the cereals that our children eat. It is even more confusing and challenging to eat healthier when you have to read every label, but it's also worth it.
Joshua Carter of Carter Fitness advises you to stay away from these 4 breakfast foods:
1. Breakfast pastry: Muffins, doughnuts, bear claws and croissants sure taste good with coffee, but all those refined carbs are going to cause unwanted weight gain. But you knew that, right?
2. Granola Bars: Watch out for the breakfast bars that claim to give you fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Check the number of carbs and sugars on the back of the label - most contain the same sugar as a pastry. That is probably what makes them taste so good (and why you should avoid them like the plague)
3. Cereal: Here's another popular breakfast item that has tons of sugar lurking beneath its surface. I think the concept of a "healthy" cereal is one of the BIGGEST lies perpetrated by the health food industry. Carbs upon carbs.
4. Drive Thru Breakfast Sandwich: Oh please. Don't even think about heading to the drive thru for a quick breakfast sandwich. You are much better off grabbing a hard boiled egg from home to enjoy on your commute.
So before rushing out the door this morning, make sure to give yourself a good start to the day. Fuel yourself up with a quick, healthy breakfast. (Just because it's quick does not mean it has to be unhealthy.)
Want to burn fat throughout the day? - Then don't start your day with a boat load of sugar.
It’s difficult to deny our love for sweet things, but sometimes it’s more difficult to break the addictive cycle of processed sugar. I don’t believe that any food is innately bad. It’s not what you eat some of the time; it’s what you eat most of the time that makes a difference. You have also heard of the saying "everything in moderation", which may be ok for most but again the diabetic has to be very careful and cut out most of the sugar from their eating plan.
Learning how to read food label's and educating yourself can be a full time job but one well worth it if means a longer healthier life. Knowing and listening to your body when it’s sending you physical and emotional cues is important.
Try experimenting with these sugar alternatives, derived from natural, less-processed ingredients. You may find you’ll reduce your sweet tooth and give yourself some lasting energy.
Maple Syrup – Maple syrup is made from boiled down maple tree sap and contains minerals like magnesium and zinc. It adds a tasty flavor to your morning oatmeal and is great for baking. Be sure to buy 100% pure maple syrup, and not maple flavored corn syrup.
Honey – One of the oldest natural sweeteners, honey is sweeter than sugar. Raw honey contains small amounts of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It’s also great for baking, adding to sauces, smoothies or your cup of tea.
Molasses – Organic molasses is probably the most nutritious sweetener. It is derived from sugar cane or sugar beet and is made by a process of clarifying and bending the extracted juices. Blackstrap molasses, the most nutritious variety, is a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Stevia – The extract from stevia is 100 to 300 times sweeter than white sugar. It can be used in cooking, baking and beverages, does not affect blood sugar levels and has zero calories. Be sure to get the green or brown liquids or powders, as the white and clear versions are highly refined.
Date Sugar – Date sugar consists of finely ground, dehydrated dates, utilizing this fruit’s vitamin, mineral, and fiber content. It can be used as direct replacement for sugar, and comes in a granulated form.
If you are a diabetic, please always check with your doctor before trying new sugars and sugar alternatives.
For other interesting articles,tips and exercises relating to nutrition, health and fitness check out my website
Friday, December 16, 2011
The Monkey Mind
Great article to get you thinking by Alison J Kay
This is the time of change leading up to December 22, 2012. It is a time like never before, when everything is intensified because we are at a turning point in the evolution of the human kind. And the nature of our times is causing, to a degree, "the monkey mind," or racing thoughts fueled by what feels like "run-away fear."
This time of the "Human Awakening" - awakening from the illusion that the physical level is what is most real and important to us instead of learning that what we think, feel and believe is in fact the most important - is where we are now. Furthermore, this awakening is to awaken us from the cage we each, in our own individualized way, have thought, felt and believed ourselves into, with our "monkey minds."
The term "monkey mind" comes from the Buddhist metaphor that the human mind, when allowed to run away and lead the human system (as opposed to the heart or the Higher mind), is like a drunken monkey, erratically leaping from tree to tree, in search of the next banana, barely taking time to finish swallowing the banana it has found in the tree it's in. This monkey mind is also heavily affected by our conditioning when growing up, as well as the dominant cultural beliefs and moods we exist within, locally, nationally - and within our own homes.
What this means for you is what you determine. And that is the trick. You have to actually learn to get out of your own way with your own version of the monkey mind with its fears, doubts and list of things to do, to be able to ground yourself.
How often does your monkey talk tell you, "I don't have the time to get everything done?" or "I can't do that, I don't know anything about it." It's always been that way is another good one, so we don't step outside our comfort zone because the fear of failure, of the unknown is harder to overcome than the joy of accomplishment or trying something new and exciting.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to overcome the first obstacle realizing the monkey mind is a strong influence on what you do and think.
For other articles, tips, exercises etc visit website
This is the time of change leading up to December 22, 2012. It is a time like never before, when everything is intensified because we are at a turning point in the evolution of the human kind. And the nature of our times is causing, to a degree, "the monkey mind," or racing thoughts fueled by what feels like "run-away fear."
This time of the "Human Awakening" - awakening from the illusion that the physical level is what is most real and important to us instead of learning that what we think, feel and believe is in fact the most important - is where we are now. Furthermore, this awakening is to awaken us from the cage we each, in our own individualized way, have thought, felt and believed ourselves into, with our "monkey minds."
The term "monkey mind" comes from the Buddhist metaphor that the human mind, when allowed to run away and lead the human system (as opposed to the heart or the Higher mind), is like a drunken monkey, erratically leaping from tree to tree, in search of the next banana, barely taking time to finish swallowing the banana it has found in the tree it's in. This monkey mind is also heavily affected by our conditioning when growing up, as well as the dominant cultural beliefs and moods we exist within, locally, nationally - and within our own homes.
What this means for you is what you determine. And that is the trick. You have to actually learn to get out of your own way with your own version of the monkey mind with its fears, doubts and list of things to do, to be able to ground yourself.
How often does your monkey talk tell you, "I don't have the time to get everything done?" or "I can't do that, I don't know anything about it." It's always been that way is another good one, so we don't step outside our comfort zone because the fear of failure, of the unknown is harder to overcome than the joy of accomplishment or trying something new and exciting.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to overcome the first obstacle realizing the monkey mind is a strong influence on what you do and think.
For other articles, tips, exercises etc visit website
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Meet The New “Silent” Killer
Here is a great article By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES on Inflammation.
There is a NEW silent killer in town. Its name is INFLAMMATION. You have run into it before, maybe once or twice.
Redness, itchiness, and swelling are tell-tale signs you have met and experienced inflammation first hand.Classic Tell-Tale Signs Of InflammationImagine for a minute, walking through the woods and brushing up against a bush of poison ivy. Itching, redness on your skin, and HIVES which last for DAYS!Or getting stung by a bee, the reaction causing raised red marks on your skin, making your skin itch and burn for hours!
Or even yet, twisting your ankle and feeling the cuff around your ankle as blood and fluid fill your ankle cavity.
You have THEN experienced some of the classic symptoms of INFLAMMATION.
Most of the time, you rub some crème on the area, or give it a cold ice bath to soothe the burning, itchy feeling. Inflammation can be useful but only to a CERTAIN EXTENT. When you suffer an injury, or are inflicted with an allergen, your body sends a response to speed the healing process.
When you sprain your ankle, finger, or knee, there is instant swelling. This is the beginning of the inflammatory response. Your body is sending cells to the injured area, in hopes of healing the wounded area. What happens, though, when there are NO SIGNS or SYMPTOMS of inflammation?
What happens when your body keeps sending the inflammatory response?
Damage!Inflammation and Damage - Not just damage to the injured area, but to all cells in the body. You need to keep inflammation in control or else the cells in YOUR body CAN be damaged! When the inflammatory response does not subside, it creates havoc in ALL the systems of the body. But do you always know if your body is inflamed? Not unless it’s blatantly obvious!
The NEW Silent Killer - Chronic inflammation is often referred to as the “silent” killer. Yes, you have heard this term before, especially with heart disease. But inflammation is also a SILENT KILLER! Give me a minute to explain. Chronic inflammation rarely is painful and rarely do you ever show symptoms that YOUR very cells are INFLAMED!
Imagine the amazing heat of a fire, how the heat and the flame destroy everything in their path. Imagine now, that the same fire is in YOUR BODY! Do you think that fire is going to be put out on its own? Do you think that it’s not going to STOP and not destroy “stuff” in its deadly path?
You would be correct in saying that IT WON”T!
Chronic inflammation impedes the body’s ability to repair and heal tissue. Your body always tries to repair and replace damaged cells. When you are exposed to chronic inflammation, IT MAKES IT HARDER for YOUR body to heal damaged cells! Can this silent killer cause pain? Not usually.
How Can You Tell - Chronic inflammation falls below the pain threshold, making it impossible to detect. But damage to certain cells can cause long lasting, and even INTENSE pain. Chronic inflammation can target cells of the central nervous system, altering the cells that affect your pain centers. Altering these cells can increase pain intensity, how long the pain lasts, and also HOW SENSITIVE YOU ARE TO PAIN!
This is something you want to avoid at all costs! - Chronic inflammation not only damages cells in your body, but it damages the cells OUTSIDE your body as well. The cells in your skin can be damaged as well, speeding up the AGING process.
You DON”T need any help speeding up how fast YOU age!
There are numerous diseases linked to chronic inflammation. Diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome are classic examples of low grade, chronic inflammation processes. But there are others. And each one can be detrimental to YOUR health.
Here are some diseases linked to chronic inflammation which is present in YOUR body:
• Acute and Chronic Pain
• Cerebrovascular Disease (strokes and poor circulation to the most vital organ, YOUR BRAIN)
• Cancer
• Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases
• Type II Diabetes
• Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis)
• Allergies
• Pulmonary disease
• Sarcopenia
These diseases have been linked by one common thread- chronic inflammation!
Your body does not want to be exposed to a constant fire all the time.
Have you ever stood next to a bonfire for hours? Of course not, the fire can burn too intensely, forcing you to step away because of the intense heat from it! The same holds true for your body.
What Your Body Thinks! - It does not want to be exposed to chronic inflammation for long periods of time. Your body always wants to maintain a level of HOMEOSTASIS, or the perfect atmosphere in which the body is able to function. However, due to numerous things in the food we eat and the air we breathe, our bodies are unable to fight off all the different toxins. These toxins are the accelerant to the flames, keeping the fire of inflammation burning for long periods of time.
Keeping the constant “fire” CAN lead to complications later on in life!
There are ways to manage inflammation. Some natural, and some use anti-inflammatory medications. However, these have problems too. Anti-inflammatory medications can damage the liver and kidneys, when you are exposed to them for long periods of time. And the natural ways: To take in all the right nutrients to extinguish the fire, you would be eating A LOT of fruits and vegetables and this is very, VERY EXPENSIVE! You are talking hundreds of dollars a month.
You need to be aware of this silent killer which is taking home in YOUR body right now. Inflammation is nothing to joke about, and certainly not something to take lightly.
Visit Power By Choice website for other tips, articles, exercise programs, etc
There is a NEW silent killer in town. Its name is INFLAMMATION. You have run into it before, maybe once or twice.
Redness, itchiness, and swelling are tell-tale signs you have met and experienced inflammation first hand.Classic Tell-Tale Signs Of InflammationImagine for a minute, walking through the woods and brushing up against a bush of poison ivy. Itching, redness on your skin, and HIVES which last for DAYS!Or getting stung by a bee, the reaction causing raised red marks on your skin, making your skin itch and burn for hours!
Or even yet, twisting your ankle and feeling the cuff around your ankle as blood and fluid fill your ankle cavity.
You have THEN experienced some of the classic symptoms of INFLAMMATION.
Most of the time, you rub some crème on the area, or give it a cold ice bath to soothe the burning, itchy feeling. Inflammation can be useful but only to a CERTAIN EXTENT. When you suffer an injury, or are inflicted with an allergen, your body sends a response to speed the healing process.
When you sprain your ankle, finger, or knee, there is instant swelling. This is the beginning of the inflammatory response. Your body is sending cells to the injured area, in hopes of healing the wounded area. What happens, though, when there are NO SIGNS or SYMPTOMS of inflammation?
What happens when your body keeps sending the inflammatory response?
Damage!Inflammation and Damage - Not just damage to the injured area, but to all cells in the body. You need to keep inflammation in control or else the cells in YOUR body CAN be damaged! When the inflammatory response does not subside, it creates havoc in ALL the systems of the body. But do you always know if your body is inflamed? Not unless it’s blatantly obvious!
The NEW Silent Killer - Chronic inflammation is often referred to as the “silent” killer. Yes, you have heard this term before, especially with heart disease. But inflammation is also a SILENT KILLER! Give me a minute to explain. Chronic inflammation rarely is painful and rarely do you ever show symptoms that YOUR very cells are INFLAMED!
Imagine the amazing heat of a fire, how the heat and the flame destroy everything in their path. Imagine now, that the same fire is in YOUR BODY! Do you think that fire is going to be put out on its own? Do you think that it’s not going to STOP and not destroy “stuff” in its deadly path?
You would be correct in saying that IT WON”T!
Chronic inflammation impedes the body’s ability to repair and heal tissue. Your body always tries to repair and replace damaged cells. When you are exposed to chronic inflammation, IT MAKES IT HARDER for YOUR body to heal damaged cells! Can this silent killer cause pain? Not usually.
How Can You Tell - Chronic inflammation falls below the pain threshold, making it impossible to detect. But damage to certain cells can cause long lasting, and even INTENSE pain. Chronic inflammation can target cells of the central nervous system, altering the cells that affect your pain centers. Altering these cells can increase pain intensity, how long the pain lasts, and also HOW SENSITIVE YOU ARE TO PAIN!
This is something you want to avoid at all costs! - Chronic inflammation not only damages cells in your body, but it damages the cells OUTSIDE your body as well. The cells in your skin can be damaged as well, speeding up the AGING process.
You DON”T need any help speeding up how fast YOU age!
There are numerous diseases linked to chronic inflammation. Diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome are classic examples of low grade, chronic inflammation processes. But there are others. And each one can be detrimental to YOUR health.
Here are some diseases linked to chronic inflammation which is present in YOUR body:
• Acute and Chronic Pain
• Cerebrovascular Disease (strokes and poor circulation to the most vital organ, YOUR BRAIN)
• Cancer
• Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases
• Type II Diabetes
• Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis)
• Allergies
• Pulmonary disease
• Sarcopenia
These diseases have been linked by one common thread- chronic inflammation!
Your body does not want to be exposed to a constant fire all the time.
Have you ever stood next to a bonfire for hours? Of course not, the fire can burn too intensely, forcing you to step away because of the intense heat from it! The same holds true for your body.
What Your Body Thinks! - It does not want to be exposed to chronic inflammation for long periods of time. Your body always wants to maintain a level of HOMEOSTASIS, or the perfect atmosphere in which the body is able to function. However, due to numerous things in the food we eat and the air we breathe, our bodies are unable to fight off all the different toxins. These toxins are the accelerant to the flames, keeping the fire of inflammation burning for long periods of time.
Keeping the constant “fire” CAN lead to complications later on in life!
There are ways to manage inflammation. Some natural, and some use anti-inflammatory medications. However, these have problems too. Anti-inflammatory medications can damage the liver and kidneys, when you are exposed to them for long periods of time. And the natural ways: To take in all the right nutrients to extinguish the fire, you would be eating A LOT of fruits and vegetables and this is very, VERY EXPENSIVE! You are talking hundreds of dollars a month.
You need to be aware of this silent killer which is taking home in YOUR body right now. Inflammation is nothing to joke about, and certainly not something to take lightly.
Visit Power By Choice website for other tips, articles, exercise programs, etc
Slow cooker black bean mushroom chili
Great recipe reposted from
Black beans, earthy mushrooms and tangy tomatillos combine with a variety of spices and smoky chipotles to create a fantastic full-flavored chili. It can simmer in the slow cooker all day, which makes it perfect for a healthy supper when the end of your day is rushed.
Black beans, earthy mushrooms and tangy tomatillos combine with a variety of spices and smoky chipotles to create a fantastic full-flavored chili. It can simmer in the slow cooker all day, which makes it perfect for a healthy supper when the end of your day is rushed.
- 1 pound dried black beans, (2 1/2 cups), rinsed
- 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup mustard seeds
- 2 tablespoons chili powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoons cumin seeds, or ground cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon cardamom seeds, or ground cardamom
- 2 medium onions, coarsely chopped
- 1 pound mushrooms, sliced
- 8 ounces tomatillos, (see Ingredient Note), husked, rinsed and coarsely chopped
- 1/4 cup water
- 5 1/2 cups mushroom broth, or vegetable broth
- 1 6-ounce can tomato paste
- 1-2 tablespoons minced canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, (see Ingredient Note)
- 1 1/4 cups grated Monterey Jack, or pepper Jack cheese
- 1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
- 2 limes, cut into wedges
Soak beans overnight in 2 quarts water. (Alternatively, place
beans and 2 quarts water in a large pot. Bring to a boil. Boil
for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 1 hour.)
Drain the beans, discarding soaking liquid.
Combine oil, mustard seeds, chili powder, cumin and cardamom
in a 5- to 6-quart Dutch oven. Place over high heat and stir
until the spices sizzle, about 30 seconds. Add onions, mushrooms,
tomatillos and water. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until
the vegetables are juicy, 5 to 7 minutes. Uncover and stir often
until the juices evaporate and the vegetables are lightly browned,
10 to 15 minutes. Add broth, tomato paste and chipotles; mix well.
Place the beans in a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker. Pour the hot
vegetable mixture over the beans. Turn heat to high. Put
the lid on and cook until the beans are creamy, 5 to 8 hours.
Garnish each serving with cheese, a dollop of sour cream
and a sprinkling of cilantro. Serve with lime wedges.
Stovetop Variation: Total: 4 1/2 hours In Step 2, increase
broth to 81/2 cups. Omit Step 3. Add the beans to the
Dutch oven; cover and simmer the chili gently over low
heat, stirring occasionally, until the beans are creamy to bite, about 3 hours.
- Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days
- or freeze for up to 3 months. | Equipment: 5- to 6-quart
- slow cooker
- Ingredient notes: Chipotle peppers are dried, smoked
- jalapeño peppers. Ground chipotle chile pepper can be
- found in the specialty spice section of most supermarkets.
- Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce are smoked jalapeños
- packed in a flavorful sauce. Look for the small cans with
- the Mexican foods in large supermarkets. Once opened,
- they'll keep up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator or 6 months
- in the freezer.
- Tomatillos are tart, plum-size green fruits that look like
- small, husk-covered green tomatoes. Find them in the
- produce section near the tomatoes. Remove the outer
- husk and rinse them well before using.
Per serving: 306 calories; 10 g fat ( 4 g sat , 2 g mono );
20 mg cholesterol; 40 g carbohydrates; 18 gprotein;
13 g fiber; 415 mg sodium; 735 mg potassium.
20 mg cholesterol; 40 g carbohydrates; 18 gprotein;
13 g fiber; 415 mg sodium; 735 mg potassium.
Nutrition Bonus: Fiber (52% daily value), Folate (47% dv),
Iron (22% dv), Potassium (21% dv).
Iron (22% dv), Potassium (21% dv).
Carbohydrate Servings: 2
Exchanges: 2 starch, 2 1/2 vegetable, 1 medium-fat protein, 1 fat
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