Thursday, December 22, 2011

Way To Stop The Silent Killer From Striking

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES
Now that you know about the new SILENT KILLER lurking in the shadows and around every corner of YOUR body, next you need to learn ways to STOP this KILLER from destroying your cells.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to understand how different ways of fighting INFLAMMATION can cost you $$$.  Give me a minute to explain.  To fight inflammation and stop it in its tracks, you need to inflammatory fighting ingredients (YOUR “MISSILES”) and plenty of cash in your RESERVE.

It’s going to be a LONG battle!  There are three methods to fighting inflammation.

  1. Pain relievers
  2. Corticosteroids
  3. All-natural alternatives, like fruits and vegetables!  

The only problem: pain relievers and Corticosteroids can be taxing to YOUR body, especially YOUR kidneys and liver, and the amount of fruits and vegetables you need PER DAY is enormous!
  • NSAIDs
NSAID stands for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.  Most people experience an ache or pain time and again, and pop one of these.  They also fight fevers and can reduce swelling in injured areas.

Typically, you pick up this drug to stop the pain and reduce the inflammation.
NSAIDs block the production of prostaglandins, which are mediators for many physiological functions in YOUR body.  The problem with blocking these important regulators is that NSAIDs block ALL production of prostaglandins in the body.

This may disrupt normal functions of important organs, like the lining of the intestines and stomach.

The responsibilities of Prostaglandins are to protect the stomach and intestinal lining, control blood pressure, regulate pain and inflammation, and regulate dilation and constriction of veins and arteries.

When prostaglandins are blocked, DAMAGE may occur to the STOMACH lining and GASTROINTESTINAL lining, leading to bleeding.

High doses of NSAIDs can also lead to the release of creatinine from the kidneys, which may be an indicator of RENAL FAILURE.  Whatever you put in the body, your liver has to process it.  The liver is a big sac of blood, full of enzymes and other cells which process and filter the blood.

NSAIDS, therefore, need to move through the liver, and get processed just like everything else!

Too much NSAIDs cause the liver to work overtime, which may result in increased liver functions.

Our bodies just do not want to work that hard to fight INFLAMMATION

But wait…..there’s one more inflammatory medication we need to talk about.

  • Corticosteroids
Corticosteroids act very similar to NSAIDs, but create a WAR ZONE in YOUR body.  They are effective at reducing inflammation, but there is a COST to this medication.

Diabetic patients can see BLOOD SUGAR skyrocket, and non-diabetics may see INCREASED weight and BLOATING.

Corticosteroids are potent anti-inflammatory medications used in severe inflammatory cases, such as arthritis and asthma, or in diseases where you do not produce enough adrenaline.  Adrenaline is secreted by adrenal glands, which are found on top of your kidneys.

Corticosteroids increase the level of adrenaline already circulating in the body.

This is WAY above the normal level you usually secrete.   Extra adrenaline quiets inflammation, especially inflammation you may experience with asthma, severe arthritis, or other chronic inflammatory diseases.


Corticosteroids suppress the immune system.    This shuts off white blood and Killer cells which would normally attack foreign bodies.  But suppressing the IMMUNE SYSTEM may lead to SICKNESS!

Other side effects of Corticosteroids MAY include:

• Elevated pressure in the eyes

• Fluid retention causing swelling in the lower legs (BLOATING)

• Increased blood pressure

• Mood swings

The other weapon comes in a very natural state and form!

  • Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits, vegetables, and other super foods may have positive effects on INFLAMMATORY RESPONSES in the body.  However, here is where it gets interesting.

Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which are great for maintaining health and wellness.  Fruits and vegetables have been proven time and time again to reduce inflammation due to the high nutrient content and extra vitamins and minerals.

But how much do you need in order to fight inflammation?  Good question!  The answer will SHOCK you, though!

Here is the breakdown of nutrients and super foods you would have to eat EVERY DAY to fight off inflammation and the associated damage it may cause.

You would have to eat:

• 1 apple ($1 worth)

• 4-6 cups blueberries ($7-$8 worth)

• 2 to 3 pounds of aloe ($5 worth)

• 4 cups of yogurt ($5 worth)

• High quality mushrooms ($3-$4 worth)

• Oatmeal ($2 worth)

• Cinnamon ($2.50 worth)

• And other fruits and vegetables ($2 worth)

So you are looking at A LOT of FOOD and a high PRICE TAG - anywhere between $28 to $30 dollars PER DAY!

This is just the nutrition you need to FIGHT INFLAMMATION, without talking about protein, carbohydrates, and fats!  Add this to your daily nutrition, and you can almost guarantee your calories will go up, which may INCREASE your weight as well.
Is There A Better Way?The use of NSAIDs and Corticosteroids is a practice which many of us are familiar with.

Mainstream nutrition and the incorporation of super foods have also gained a tremendous amount of publicity in recent times in reducing INFLAMMATION, and providing your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy!

Still, there has got to be an EASIER WAY to reduce inflammation and protect our cells from DAMAGE.

Could there be…?  visit Prograde and read further

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