Monday, December 27, 2010

You are never too old to exercise.

I have people concerned that they may be too old to exercise. There is never a better time to begin an exercise program as today, no matter how old you are. At every age and decade our bodies can and will respond to exercise.
I currently have a 91 year old client who expects me at every session we have scheduled. I inherited her from a trainer that I was stepping in for while he was out of town. When he returned he asked if i would like to continue training her and I said absolutely. I want clients like her, lots of clients like her.
I remember the first time i trained her. Her sessions are 45 minutes and we had previously met to discuss some of the things she has done in the past with her other trainer. It was a gorgeous day outside and me being me (I train outside as much as possible), i asked if she wanted to go for a walk, she said yes and we proceeded down the block, she said she wanted to go all the way around and 35 minutes later we arrived back at her house. I worked with her a little more and called it a day.
She had the energy and desire to walk around that whole block no matter how long it took. We did pause halfway and did i mention she had a walker, the most important thing is she is 91 years old and has taken care of herself continuously as she ages.
Over the years she has had a hip replacement and she has advanced rheumatoid arthritis and it makes it harder for her do some of the exercises but she does them. After i trained her a couple sessions i found out she had a stroke, i was advised to not come to the next session. I then found out that she was sitting there waiting for me.
She inspires me, that is how i want to approach aging.
How about you?

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