Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I lowered my cholesterol naturally

I met with Vicki Drabek yesterday, she sells Shaklee products. She gave me a flyer on lowering your cholesterol naturally that i wanted to share with you.

Are YOU among the millions of Americans with high cholesterol?
Fact: One in three adults in the U.S. has it. People with high cholesterol have a greater risk of developing heart disease compared to those who have optimal levels. While some people are more susceptible to high cholesterol, everybody can take measures to reduce it.
There are many ways to address the issue and many products you can take and i leave that for you to decide. I want to share a story of my own.

I have had bouts with esophageal spasms a few years back that felt like i was having heart attacks. I worked as a 911 dispatcher, to say the least a stressful job. I was working 12 hour night shift and started having an attack and had to page out the ambulance for myself. Of course i waited until i absolutely couldn't handle the pain any longer. I was transported to the hospital and eventually was released after many tests and observation. I was sent to a cardiologist and he put me through the ringer of testing also. Outcome was i didn't have a heart attack, but my cholesterol was high. The doctor sent me over to a woman to get a prescription for cholesterol lowering medication.

I advised the woman that i wanted to lower it naturally and she just looked at me and said, well that isn't going to happen. I left without the prescription and went to the bookstore and bought the book Lowering your Cholesterol Naturally by Dr Cooper. I made many changes during that year in how i ate, how i handled stress and started exercising more regularly. I went back for my followup appointment and had lowered my cholesterol 60 points and was told well that never happens. I let them know that they didn't support me in trying to do it naturally and that's why it never happens in their eyes.

My point is you have the choice to handle issues by making changes, my cholesterol was high, but i did not have any heart issues, I think they should have supported me by offering some ways to lower it naturally and then if it hadn't went down, the next step would have been medication.

Always do what is best for you and be persistent in your health decisions.

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