Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Carve out half an hour for yourself.

I created Power By Choice to provide women with the knowledge of where I have been in life, some of my experiences and how we can overcome the things that chain us down. Empowering women to believe in themselves is a hard task and oh so powerful. We take care of our family, our kids, our parents sometimes, our neighbors and our friends, but we need to carve time out for ourselves first.

We are the last on the list and may run out of energy to listen to ourselves, our bodies and our minds.

Consciously, I don't believe we feel we are treating ourselves poorly and it probably doesn't even cross our minds. I know my clients tell me they plan to do it, but at the end of the night they plop into bed exhausted from another day of to do's, realizing they didn't get to themselves on that list again.

How do we fit ourselves into the day?

  • If you find your day gets away from you, then you have to put your name first on your daily to do list.  It may mean getting up 1/2 an hour earlier just to carve out YOU time.
  • Rearranging the chores so that you come first, then chores come second.  
  • Revisit your chore delegation and have a family meeting to explain that things need to be done differently.
  • If you find you have to do it all because no one else can do it as well as you, stop trying to be so perfect and get over it.  
  • Go through a weeks worth of your calendar and see where all your time goes, then put yourself on that calendar.
  • Start off slowly if you need to and walk for 1/2 hour, each day, then when you have formed your daily habit, start adding other activities such as strength training 2 times a week, then up to 3 times a week with a day of rest in between.
  • Now that you are exercising regularly, start taking your rest days and add in some form of meditation, walking in the forest, hiking by yourself, or yoga, so you can start 
  • Starting with small 1/2 hour goals will make a tremendous difference in how you feel 
It really is that easy.  If you need help getting started, don't hesitate to contact me.

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