Monday, February 20, 2012

30 of 30 Things to Stop Doing To Yourself and Start Doing For Yourself

Stop being ungrateful. – No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life.  Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.  Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.

There are moments in our life when we think OMG, why is this happening to me?  Think back on how many times you may have said this in your life.  Remember how you didn't think you would ever get through it?  But you did make it through, even though at the time you thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to you.  Things can always be worse, if not for you then for someone else you love.  Try to think of the positive and if you can't at the time of the incident; at least see your way through it and think about what you may have learned about you or others after it has passed.  WM of PBC

Start noticing how wealthy you are right now. – Henry David Thoreau once said, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”  Even when times are tough, it’s always important to keep things in perspective.  You didn’t go to sleep hungry last night.  You didn’t go to sleep outside.  You had a choice of what clothes to wear this morning.  You hardly broke a sweat today.  You didn’t spend a minute in fear.  You have access to clean drinking water.  You have access to medical care.  You have access to the Internet.  You can read.  Some might say you are incredibly wealthy, so remember to be grateful for all the things you do have.

Some people are faced with losing their jobs, their homes and maybe you have been faced with those same fears.  But you can always live somewhere else and work somewhere else.  If you were to lose those two very important things in your life, try to think of it as a time to possibly approach doing something different.  The important thing is to take care of you especially when you are going through stressful times.  If you are not currently facing troubled times, then take about 5 minutes, go into a room you may not normally spend to much time in, sit down and take a look around, appreciate that room, think about all that you do have and the people that love you.  Taking care of your health is very important and can help you make it through the hard times much better.  WM of PBC

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