Sunday, February 26, 2012

Age is mind over matter

Do you feel like you haven't enough energy to work out like you used to? As we get older we need to adjust our workouts according to our age, now that isn't all inclusive because everyone has a different fitness background and fitness level. There are things that do need to be taken into consideration when designing a workout program like; age, fitness level, medical issues, time devoted to exercise and commitment level.

Long, slow cardio is what we use to do, spending hours on the treadmill or elliptical, wasting away our life in an attempt to shave off a few extra pounds. Research now has it, that interval or high intensity training is more efficient, both time and energy wise.  You can do this type of training even after the age of 50, but again it may need to be modified and progressions given depending on your situation.

Walking is very beneficial especially when you do it outside.  Walking out in nature is much better on your mind and spirit too, you can breathe in the fresher air, listen to the birds and look at the great scenery.  Walking outside also helps with balance because you aren't just walking on level ground at all times.

Strength training is very important for building up your bone mass, something you start to lose as you age and your hormones start to decline.  Strength training also helps build up your muscle, which helps you stay more mobile and active.

Flexibility keeps you limber.  Remember watching an older person and they shuffle across the room, barely picking up their feet.  Flexibility helps you walk normally.

Balance is very important as we age, we are bound to fall more as we get older, but the more you work on your balance the better you are at catching yourself from falling.

Don't discount and use your age as an excuse to stay out of shape.  I trained a 92 year old woman for a year since being here in Colorado Springs and I plan on being in the best shape I can be at that age too.  I currently have a 77 year old that just started a program and I would never have guessed she was 77.  You can start an exercise program at any time in your life.  Never consider it too late.

If you or someone you know has doubts about what they can do, please do not hestitate to contact me, I would love to see the ah ha in their eyes when they accomplish much more than they thought possible.

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