Sunday, January 22, 2012

An Active Brain for Life

Taken from the Parade magazine.

We spoke with Dr Gary Small, author of The Alzheimer's Prevention program, about defending against dementia.

Can we really do a lot to help prevent Alzheimer's?  Isn't it all just genetic?  People have this perception that either you get Alzheimer's or you don't.  But there's actually more of a sliding scale of brain health as you age, and a lot depends on genetics and lifestyle together.  If everyone in the U.S. adopted just one positive habit, like getting regular exercise or learning to manage stress, within five years we could expect 1 million fewer Alzheimer's cases.

What does exercise have to do with memory?  It may not seem like physical health and cognitive health are related, but they are.  When you get your heart to pump more blood, it sends more oxygen and nutrients to the brain.  it also protects against illnesses like diabetes, which is a risk factor for Alzheimer's.  And we've found that lifting weights can improve cognitive health, too, perhaps due to the brainpower spent on maintaining proper form.

What about taking supplements?  You've got to keep in mind that not all of them are safe, and they can have serious side effects.  So talk to your doctor first.  Have said that, I recommend a multivitamin that contains B vitamins; vitamin B12 deficiency can actually cause dementia.  In addition, omega-3 fatty acid capsules, particularly DHAs, have been associated with lower risk for dementia.

Today we rely so much on technology to "remember" things for us.  Is this bad?  A lot of people wonder that.  But in fact, our brains are simply changing how they process information.  We don't remember phone numbers because we know we don't have to, but your memory bank devotes that space to something else.  And when you search online, it activates a lot of neural circuits, so in moderation technology can actually improve cognitive performance.

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