Saturday, November 26, 2011

Expand your mind.

Continue developing your mind no matter how old you are:  Take classes that interest you, read great works of literature, write in a journal--learn to think analytically, and express yourself intelligently every day.  Steven R Covey

This habit talks about preserving and enhancing the greatest assets we all have.  In particular using our minds.

Winter is upon us and we may prefer to gather around the television instead of doing something more active.  If the television is your choice of activity, then try renting a documentary or watching a gardening show, something that may peak your interest into learning more.  That is what I've done, I love to try new things and some work out and some do not.  

Some of us do like to curl up with a good book and others prefer to never read anything more than we have to at work.  Try something different and go to the library and pick out a book or magazine that you never would have picked up before and take a look at it.  Open your mind and experience it.  You are bound to learn something new from it, even if the only thing you learned was the reason why you never picked up in the first place.  I on the other hand walk into the library with a book or two in mind and walk out with three that i just came across and looked interesting.

Try a new hobby like woodworking, carving, basket weaving, learning to change your own oil, the subject doesn't matter.  Find something you would benefit from, maybe even something you have said in the past that you would like to try.

Writing in a journal can be exhilarating.  Looking back 10 years ago, writing never crossed my mind.  In my personal training business I started writing fitness and motivation articles and found that I really enjoyed writing, I am now in the process of writing a book and it's amazing how it feels to be able to share my passion and knowledge with others.  Give it a try and write either something your passionate about or just write about what you did this week.  You may find you like it too.

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