Friday, June 3, 2011

Ten Thoughts on Whole Living

  1. Learn to play - it's the source of youthful energy. Find a way to interject play into everyday even if for only a moment. Day dream if you need to. Get down on the ground and play with your kids, grandkids or maybe even your kitten or dogs. Everyday I get down and pounce at my puppies and they get so excited that I am down at their level and it even gets the 11 year sheltie running after them and then the game is on, they are chasing each other while I just sit there watching and laughing.

  2. Pause before you eat; reconnect with your sense of taste. I use to eat very bland foods and never grew up with the dinner at the table experience. I have found with the help of others that there are so many wonderful foods to experience. We love to sit down and have meaningful conversations while reconnecting with not only our food but with each other too. What a great way to renew and fuel positive relationships.

  3. Small, conscious actions can sustain your spirit. Do something nice for yourself or even someone else, they don't have to know you did it either. When you consciously take action and do something positive, you will receive so much more in return.

  4. Pace yourself. Fatigue has a way of sneaking into our lives. How long is your to do list today? We make ourselves so busy staying busy, are we really accomplishing much or just staying busy?

  5. Set limits. No one said you have to do it all.

  6. Desire is an expression of your deepest self; follow its lead.

  7. Physical pain sends a message; listen to it.

  8. A sense of humor keeps you grounded; laughter opens you up to the divine.

  9. Stress can't be outrun. It must be faced head-on.

  10. Celebrate every milestone. Where you've been has everything to do with where you're going.

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