Monday, January 3, 2011

Get Fit Challenge-Lets do it together!

This is an invitation and strong recommendation to join me in getting fit and feeling energetic as we kick off the New Year.

I've seen a distinct correlation between my energy, focus and fitness level over the last five years, since I changed careers. As many of you know, it's made all the difference in the world in my passion for helping others in a big way and having the stamina to continue toward making my business everything it has become and to work toward the millionaire status I know I will reach as an entrepreneur.

Do you think that feeling sluggish in the mid afternoon is normal and that gaining a few pounds every year just comes with age? Well it does if you don't do something about warding it off.
I found personally that it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, I dare to say that I am at my personal best right now, at 50 than I have ever been at the younger years.

Maybe you drank a few too many eggnog's, ate a box too many chocolate truffles, or are just feeling sluggish from the constant parade of cold dark days. So what, that was last year, make a commitment to yourself and do it differently this year.

I know I'm ready to a do a little internal "housecleaning" (because I know that when I'm taking good care of my body I do better work). Wouldn't it be cool if we all took it on together. Imagine the impact we could have collectively!

Get Fit Camp Challenge starts January 10th, join now and you get 24 sessions with me a certified personal trainer for $177 that's for 12 weeks. Do you need to be accountable? Sign up now on my blog that is where the special pricing is. If your interested in the educational portion you can sign up for 12 weeks, email to find out how.

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