Sunday, January 29, 2012

23 of 30 Things to Stop Doing To Yourself and Start Doing For Yourself

Stop trying to make things perfect. – The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.  Read Getting Things Done.

Have you put off doing something because the time wasn't perfect?  How often have you told yourself, the circumstances just weren't perfect so I didn't do it?  How often have you passed up a great opportunity because you didn't think it was the perfect time?  WM of PBC

Start accepting things when they are less than perfect. – Remember, ‘perfect’ is the enemy of ‘good.’  One of the biggest challenges for people who want to improve themselves and improve the world is learning to accept things as they are.  Sometimes it’s better to accept and appreciate the world as it is, and people as they are, rather than to trying to make everything and everyone conform to an impossible ideal.  No, you shouldn’t accept a life of mediocrity, but learn to love and value things when they are less than perfect.

Do something just because you have always wanted to and you thought the timing wasn't right.  Dress the way you want, not because it just doesn't fit perfectly.  Enjoy life because it will never be perfect, it will and can be great and wonderful, but never perfect.  Be you because you are perfect just the way you are not the way you think you always should be.  WM of PBC

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