Tuesday, November 8, 2011

90 Days to a New You Success Story

My husband and I have been on the ‘Eating Plan’ (as we like to call it) since the end of August.  I have lost 7 lbs and 6 ¼ inches.  He has lost 9 lbs; he did not do any measurements! The plan itself is easy to follow (lots of recipes), plenty to eat and varied.  Cooking meals for the family has not been an issue.  The menu is easy to adapt to a family; the boys get to eat the carbs that we cannot on the ‘No Carbs’ day.  We have all enjoyed the smoothies – in fact they ask when they are on the menu! I have enjoyed being able to get into clothes that have stayed in my closet for too long.  Plus, it is great to put on a pair of jeans/pants and NOT have that ‘muffin’ top before I even sit down!!!  Belts have moved up a notch or two!!  Graeme’s shirts are not filled to capacity!  We have both had people notice that we look a little ‘slimmer’! It really is a great way to train yourself to eat better- more vegetables, less carbs and the ones you do eat are the more complex, healthier ones.  And, to be more aware of what is passing through the ‘lips’.  We would recommend using this eating plan and adding in exercise too.  This really helps on the days (like Halloween) when you are ‘tempted’!  We have both kept the lbs off even after a ‘splurge’. Thank you to Wanda for first trying the plan out and recommending it to us.  Bernie & Graeme M, Colorado Springs

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