Sunday, November 6, 2011

How That "Extra" 20 Pounds Is KILLING You

Here is a great article By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

The American and the world's population are in danger.  Not due to warfare or famine, but to complications related to being overweight or obese. 
In America alone, the CDC has delivered a stern message about the state of our health.

Our society has become an obesogenic society.  Diets are full of unhealthy foods.  There are less physically active then 20 years ago.  And for some reason we can’t put our forks down, leading to increased food intake.  

These three characteristics have increased your risk factors, especially our children's.

Twenty years ago, overweight and obesity were in the minority.  Today, healthy weight individuals are the minority.

Find it hard to believe?  Check out these statistics on what being overweight or obese has done, globally and locally.

• America has the largest population of overweight and obese individuals.

• 33% of our population are obese - that is a 60% increase from 20 years ago.

• 1 in 6 children are obese.
• There are over 300,000 obesity related deaths per year, second only to tobacco related deaths.

• Two-thirds, or 167 million Americans, are overweight.  One-third of those individuals are clinically obese.

These are sobering statistics and make for a very sad state for Americans and the world.  For hundreds, if not thousands, of years people understood the importance of healthy eating, physical activity, and calorie restriction which kept us fit and healthy.

This all changed with the introduction of processed foods loaded with sugar and extra calories.

So you are not obese.  Great!

But you might be 10, 20, or 30 pounds overweight.  What’s the big deal?  So you might be unhappy with how you look naked, or that your clothes do not fit right, or that you find it harder to get up in the morning and your joints creak with every step you take. But really, what’s the big deal? You’re going to drop the weight at some point, right?

Being as little as 10, 20, or 30 pounds overweight, you are putting your body at increased risk.  Confused?  Let me explain.

Being overweight starts the process in your body which can lead to future complications.   You are incubating unhealthy conditions, which puts the brakes on weight loss and healthy living.

Here are the top 3 reasons why being overweight is ruining your health and fitness goals.Your Fat Cells Are Becoming UnhealthyHealthy fat cells work by releasing hormones that control metabolism and energy expenditure.   Having a little extra padding begins the process of turning healthy fat cells into “sick” fat cells.

Fat cells that are healthy, release a hormone called Leptin. 

Leptin tells the brain when we are full.  Sick fat cells release Leptin, but it is unable to tell your brain you are full.  This results in increased appetite, increased cortisol levels, and resistance to the good hormones.

One amazing function of fat cells is the ability to store fat from your blood.  When your body becomes resistant, the fat cell becomes inflamed preventing it from storing fatty acids.  Scary thought, since the fat needs to go somewhere!

This also affects Adiponectin, which keeps your body fat levels low by breaking down fatty acids.  Where?  In the muscle of course.  Without adequate Adiponectin, your body is unable to breakdown fat in the blood, resulting in the fat landing in other organs and sites on your body.

Increased Inflammatory Response

Disease typically starts as an inflammatory response.  It can happen anywhere in the body.  When inflammation hits adipose tissue, watch out!  Now you have a reduced ability to store fat.

Sometimes inflammation is good for us. 

It can help heal wounds by sending nutrients to the area.  However, when the inflammation response does not stop, it really, REALLY hurts your body.

When cells become inflamed, they can become resistant to the hormones that keep our fat cells healthy.   When cells become resistant to insulin and leptin, there are more fatty acids and sugar in the blood. 

This leads to the increased possibility of developing metabolic syndrome.

And it also raises cortisol levels in the body.  Increased cortisol leads to higher fat levels.  Period.

Increased fat stores increase your disease risk and inflammation in the body.  You are then going around and around in circles with only one way to get off!

Increased Disease Risk
Packing on a few extra pounds increases the risk of developing diseases. 

Obesity can lead to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease. 
In fact, overweight and obesity levels have created a sharp rise in diabetes.  Eighteen million people in America suffer from diabetes and 221 million in the world.  Those are staggering numbers!

Overweight individuals have an increased risk of developing diseases than healthy weight individuals.  

Heart disease, another disease associated with being overweight, has also risen dramatically.  Heart disease is one of the most preventable diseases.   Overweight individuals have a 10-50% chance of dying from obesity-related conditions, with most coming from heart disease.Being a few pounds overweight starts you down a dangerous path.
Chronic disease can possibly lead to premature death. 
But there is an answer for you!
By increasing physical activity, watching your diet, and the amount of calories you eat, will eventually lead to lower fat stores and decreased disease risk. 
Making drastic lifestyle changes to curb your weight gain and return you to a healthy weight, reduces your risk factors for developing chronic diseases.  How?  I mentioned your Adiponectin levels and how being overweight your levels drop.  By shedding the extra weight, you help your body raise Adiponectin levels.   You are then able to burn more calories by burning those devious fatty acids. 
Losing weight helps your body release the right hormones, at the right time, which helps you burn more fat.  Finally, the answer you have been looking for!
It is not too late to change for the better and reverse sick fat cells and make them healthy again.

Diet and exercise is a great start!  But it might not be enough.  

Nutrients found in Prograde Metabolism kick start your body for weight loss.   Prograde Metabolism, in combination with a healthy diet and exercise plan may help you lose weight and keep it off. 
This may reverse your fat cells, letting them thrive and function to keep your weight and metabolism in check!

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