Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Procrastination gets you nowhere. So stop doing it.

Ladies, you know you're among the 20% of people who chronically procrastinate if you Google “stop procrastinating”: instead of doing something else.  You probably also know common coping techniques like:
* making to-do-lists
* breaking large tasks into smaller ones
* rewarding good behavior
Well, these techniques won't work if we don't have insights into ourselves! Procrastinators are notorious for saying they work better under pressure.  If you have been procrastinating on some important things in your life (like building a part-time business for yourself and your family), you'll find these tips very useful:
1) Don't wait for inspiration! So many people have this mistaken belief that our motivational state has to match the task at hand.  That's not always the case and if you keep waiting for inspiration ... you might be waiting for a long while.
2) Just get started! This tip is similar to Nike's "Just do it!".  The best way to get a project or task done is to GET STARTED (not tomorrow, not later, but right now)! As soon as you get started, your perception of the task changes completely. Some projects are unpleasant from the beginning to the end ... just keep at it ... just keep plugging away!
3) Aim low!?!? Studies have shown that many procrastinators are closet perfectionists who have trouble meeting their own standards.  If you start with the minimum, you can work your way to the bigger parts of your project. You don't need a big paw-wow meeting for every project you start; you just need to get started!
 4) Remove psychological barriers. If you don't like certain tasks, you might want to combine them with a more pleasant activity. If you don't like writing reviews for your review blog because you find writing might not be your strongest suit, you might want to put your favorite tunes on and write to the sound of music you love!
5) Manager your time. If you want to maximize your time, make a schedule of activities outside of work (including things like sleeping, eating, appointments, kids' activities, exercise ... etc.) to reveal how much free time you really have. This will help you realize that the more you procrastinate, the more you are wasting precious time. If you want to build a business part-time, you'll be able to see how much time you have in a week for that activity.
6) Be gentle! You must be kind to yourself and you'll want to pardon the occasional relapses that come with establishing new habits. Remember that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. If you are starting a new part-time business, it might take you a few weeks before you are able to get everything to fit. Those who self-forgive are more likely to pick themselves up and try again until they make everything fit.  I have a Create your own habit with my 21 Days To Amaze Program

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