Sunday, February 12, 2012

Taking your power back.

When you blame another, you give your own power away because you're placing the responsibility for your feelings on someone else. People in your life may behave in ways that trigger uncomfortable responses in you. However, they didn't get into your mind and create the buttons that have been pushed. Taking responsibility for your own feelings and reactions is mastering your 'ability to respond.' In other words, you learn to consciously choose rather than simply react. Louise Hay

How many times have you gotten just a little bit frustrated and blamed others for something you know you were actually responsible for. You have a choice to start paying attention to what you do and most importantly why you do it. When you start to recognize your triggers, you can then make better choices about what to do in the future and how to handle stressors that occur.

Do you know someone that knows exactly which buttons to push that instantly angers you?  When we let others set the mood for how we are going to react, we no longer have control over ourselves.  We have given it away to the other person.  It can be very hard to control how we react to others the way we want to, instead of flying off the handle.  It is so easy to react poorly and then the situation gets out of hand very quickly.

Working on yourself and how you react to others is something you may find to be a hard task, especially if the ones who push your buttons the most are your loved ones.  Have a conversation when emotions are at ease and explain that you are now working on having a more positive relationship with them and yourself.  You may hit some roadblocks because people do not like change.  The key is to work on yourself and if others do not want to play well with you, then eventually more choices will have to be made.   WM of PBC

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