Friday, February 17, 2012

Do you make a difference in your own life?

"If you want to live a meaningful life that also makes a difference in the lives of others, you need to make a difference in your own life first".  Cheryl Richardson

Each and everyday I do something that improves and makes my life meaningful, sometimes I don't even realize it until some time has passed and then something triggers and I smile.

Each and everyday I do something that improves another's life.

Some go through life pleasing others and doing for others what they would never dare to do for themselves. Do something different today and do for yourself.  Try something that you have been wanting to do and haven't because of fear, embarrassment or procrastination.

What are you passionate about?  Do you have a secret passion and would love to do it someday?  Make this your someday.  If it's outrageous and you don't think it is something you can accomplish just yet, break it down into smaller thoughts and actions.  Take something that is doable now.  Do it now.  One step at a time will get you just a little bit closer than you were had you just ignored it again.

For example; my goal is to move to a beach community in three years.  So I have put in place certain things that I can do now to get one step closer to the sand.  Three years is a long time except when you are talking about picking up everything and moving.  What do I do about work?  Where would I live?  What can I do now to help take away some of the stress when time gets closer?
Let's break it down a little:

  • What do I do about work?  I own a personal training business and I have already started the process of recreating my brand and what I want to portray to the world.  I am also getting alot of the behind the scenes work done on website, blog, my business model and online training.  
  • Where would I live?  I am starting my search on coastal towns.  I have subscribed to a magazine directly related to talking about little unknown coastal towns.  It gives me an idea of the weather, what the makeup of the area is like, and helps me narrow down my search.  I can take vacations to some of the places that may be on my list and take in the area in person.  I go online and take a look at the real estate market in different coastal towns, if its completely out of the ballpark, I may cross it off my list.
  • What can I do now to help take away some of the stress when time gets closer?  Narrowing down certain areas will help in the search of that perfect area, instead of waiting until 3 months prior to think about where to start.
This just gives you a little example on what you can do now to get started with something you have always wanted to do but thought you needed to wait until retirement, or wait until you had enough money, or wait until the kids grow up.  Stop waiting and start doing for yourself.

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