Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow Advisory and how to workout in it.

Reposted from Better Homes and Garden Magazine

Sure, we'll happily sing about a winter wonderland.  But walk in it?  Not so much.  One study found that women take about 2300 fewer steps per day in winter than in summer, marking a 30 percent reduction in physical activity.  From a health standpoint, however, now is an ideal time to get outside and get moving.

For starters, cold-weather workouts can deliver optimal weight-loss results, says Aaron Cypress M.D., Ph.D., a professor of medicine at Harvard medical School in Boston.  His research shows that cold exposure activates the body's stores of brown fat, a type of tissue that helps modulate body temperature-and burns calories in the process.  "unlike white fat, which stores energy, brown fat is metabolically active," Cypess says.

And while exercising anywhere can chase away the winter blues, doing so in sunlight revs the brain's production of feel-good serotonin for an even bigger boost, says clinical psychologist Stephen S. Hardi, Ph.D., author of The Depression Cure (Da Capo, 2010).

Can't decide on a snowy activity?  Read on as five women in cold climates share their favorites.  Brring it on!

Amy Finsliver, 46 of Boston, MA says Ice-Skating is best for weekday workouts.

  • Workout reward: Strengthens legs, butt and core
  • Why she loves it:  "I'm lucky to work near the rink at Boston's Frog Pond-it's faster to pop out and skate during my lunch hour than it is to go to the gym, where I'd have to change into and out of workout clothes.  Plus, after sitting at my desk for hours, I love feeling my leg muscles stretch and flex."
Sue Kober, 51 of Larkspur, CO says Snowshoeing is best for beginners.
  • Workout reward: Strengthens legs, butt and (if using poles) arms and shoulders.
  • Why she loves it: "Snowshoeing isn't difficult-if you can walk, you can do it.  My family and I started on a lark when we found some snowshoeing event that raises money to fight breast cancer.  This makes the activity even more meaningful for me."
Lindsey Kriete, 32 of Milwaukee, WI says Cross-country skiing is best for solo sessions.
  • Workout reward: Strengthens legs, butt, core and arms.
  • Why she loves it: "Cross-country skiing offers so much flexibility.  Depending on my mood, I'll either hammer out a really hard workout or take it easy and enjoy the beautiful scenery and stillness.  Lately I've been pushing myself-I'm training for a cross-country ski marathon in February!"
Kate Geagan, 39 of Park City, UT says Skate skiing is best for adrenaline junkies.
  • Workout reward: Strengthens legs, butt, back, shoulders and core.
  • Why she loves it: "skate skiing is a form of cross country skiing that uses shorter, narrower skis.  It's highly aerobic, and it tones you right up.  So even when I have just 25 minutes to exercise, I can charge through a top-notch workout and get on with my day.  The rush keeps me happy and glowing for hours."
Fern Spence, 42 of Traverse City, MI says Sledding is best for busy moms.
  • Workout reward: Strengthens legs, butt and core.
  • Why she loves it: "Dragging the sled uphill really gets my blood pumping, and flying down through the fresh air raises my spirits.  But even better is the amazing quality time I get to enjoy with my two kids. With no rules or teams, everyone can join the fun!"
All of these ladies are in their early 30's to early 50's and proves that you are never too old to get out and start up some type of winter workout.  Some of the activities are for single enjoyment and others are for group enjoyment.  I started cross country skiing and when I first started I found myself falling constantly.  I noticed the winter season after becoming a personal trainer and working on a well balanced exercise program for myself that I didn't fall as much.  I had better balance.  I was stronger in my legs and I didn't get fatigued as quickly.  Exercising regularly helps you enjoy your activities more because you find its easier to do and less risk for injury when you are stronger and in better shape.  
If you need help with your exercise programming, visit website and lets get started.  

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