Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hit the Greens

Here's another reason to load up on produce; a daily serving of leafy green vegetables may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes by 14 %, notes a study review in the British Medical Journal. Polyphenols in vegetables like cabbage and spinach may help ward off the oxidative stress that can lead to diabetes. For an easy side, steam them and drizzle with olive oil.

Do you have any family members that have diabetes? It can control your life if you don't get it under control. My mother and older brother both passed away from complications of the disease and my younger sister also has diabetes. So many other complications can grow from getting the disease.

Find ways to prevent you from getting the disease, its much easier than having to deal with the complications of it once you have it. Exercise regularly, eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar level and find healthy avenues of stress relief are all ways to possibly ward off getting the disease.

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