Tuesday, December 7, 2010

10 Natural tips to keep colds and flu at bay.

Do you know anyone that's been sick lately? I see it all the time, my clients get sick and then have to get back into their workout routine after they get well again. Here are some tips i ran across from WebMD and holisticonline.com
Wash hands. The best way to get rid of everyday germs is to wash hands frequently and thoroughly. Plain soap is best. We hear this so much don't we.
Get enough rest. Sleep plays a crucial role in the body's recovery and repair cycle; when people don't get enough sleep, they compromise their defense systems. We run ourselves down by keeping such hectic schedules.
Think clean. Clean surfaces frequently shared with others, such as stair rails, telephones, computer keyboards, counter tops and door knobs, in order to avoid hand to hand spreading of viruses. They even have antibacterial wipes by the grocery carts.
Freshen the air. Germs hand around in stagnant air. Make it a habit to open the windows for a few minutes several times a day to allow fresh air to circulate. I do this one all the time.
Think food first, rather than supplements. Eating healthy and naturally provides a whole nutritional package, comprising a combination of nutrients. Relying on supplements entails ingesting isolated vitamins and minerals that may pass through the body unabsorbed. Unless of course you have been tested to see what your body absorbs.
Use garlic when cooking. Garlic has antibacterial properties and helps detoxify the body. Makes the whole house smell but well worth it.
Drink herbal teas. Teas containing Echinacea, astragalus and licorice root boost the immune system and help inhibit viral and bacterial growth. Even if your not a tea drinker, you should be able to find one out there that you can drink if not for the taste then for the benefit.
No hands touching the face. Most cold and flu viruses enter the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. This is a hard one, even after i typed it i found myself rubbing my eye.
Exercise with gusto. Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart and makes us breathe faster, supplying the body with more oxygen, which in turn, helps increase the body amount of natural virus-killing cells. Of course i love this one :)

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