Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mistake #2 Doing excessive aerobic exercise

Excessive aerobic exercise can cause an increase in the hormone cortisol and is that fat producing hormone that we always here about. It is also the fat that sticks to your hips, and stomach.  Excessive cortisol has been linked to several diseases including an increase risk of breast cancer. There is not a substantial release of growth hormone with aerobic exercise. Growth hormone release is a major factor in preventing degenerative disease and reducing many of the negative effects associated with aging. Growth hormone is essential for protecting muscle and bone mass.

Most women feel that in order to burn fat they need to do a tremendous amount of aerobic exercise. It is a misconception that if you do aerobic exercise you automatically reduce the percentage of body fat. Though it is true that the body burns a greater percentage of fat for energy during aerobic exercise; the excess release of cortisol that occurs from excessive aerobic activity can actually increase body fat and reduce lean mass. 

You can also do too much cardio and wear away some of the muscles.  I have a daughter that did too much cardio and damaged the nerves in one of her legs and had to go through physical therapy to repair it.  

You can burn a greater amount of calories with strength training and the effect will last up to 72 hours later, long after your training ends.  Many women do cardio only because they believe they are going to bulk up and that is another misnomer that most women do not know about.  Women don't have enough testosterone to bulk up and build huge muscles.  The women you see in the magazines have made it a career to look like a body builder.  

Women should be strength training 2-3 times a week and 30 minutes of cardio daily, especially starting out.  You can also do shorter, higher intensity training, but always check with a fitness professional and your doctor before starting a program.

If you need help with a well balanced program check out Get Fit 101.

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