Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Learn to say NO

NO is easily said by others, but how often do you actually say it and mean it yourself except when you say it to the dog?  I am talking about women and what we put ourselves through on a daily basis.  We can wake everyone up in the morning, make breakfast, send the kids off to school, spouse off to work, put ourselves together and off we go.  If you are a business owner then that adds a completely different set of to do lists to your day.

Do you feel like you are over committing yourself?  When I talk with clients or prospective clients about their obligations, I often hear them talk about what they do for everyone else except themselves.  Why do we as a women especially, believe we cannot say NO?  It's a simple two letter word.  If there is an occasion that we do say NO to someone we feel we must have a whole laundry list of reasons why we said NO.

When I ask someone why they can't say NO, they respond with oh its ok, I can squeeze it in or that would be rude or I don't have the time but I will figure it out.  If you find you are stressed out and unable to get the important things in life done in your day, you need to figure out your way of saying NO to the things that just won't matter.

What women tend to do instead is say YES to all who ask them and then put off taking care of themselves because they just can't fit themselves into their day.  Does that sound like you?  Or do you know someone like that, always complaining about their busy lives and how stressed out they are, but never taking the chance to change.

Try this; say NO, then try it again, say NO, keep doing that until it flows out of your mouth smoothly.  It really is that easy.

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