Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can you change the direction of your day by changing your thoughts?

Here is a great quote by Bob Proctor and it's so true. "Let's start with what we can be thankful for, and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought."  Bob Proctor

We can get into the rut of a negative thought and let that drag you down the rest of the day or we can gather ourselves, center again and redirect our thoughts. By slowing down and really thinking about what we want to do with our thoughts and reactions, we can redirect our energy.

How often does a friend call you and tell you about all the bad things that happened to them today? One thing that they perceive to be bad happens and then its the domino effect, their whole day just seems to go downhill.  What really happens is they talk about the negative event and then the more they talk about it, the more they draw in more negative.

How do you get off the negative nancy roller coaster? When something happens, notice how you are reacting to it and decide if that is how you want to react. If it isn't then take a deep breath, regroup and change the direction.

Try it today and see how you feel.  WM of PBC

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