Thursday, November 3, 2011

Need a cure for the Halloween Belly Bulge?

If you are anything like me, you may have had a butterfinger candy bar or two too many over the last couple days.  Then add to the issue with all the snow and many of you didn't have to go out of the house yesterday, and you are probably sitting at your computer more than you should or would normally.  So if there is a bit more chocolate flowing through your veins than normal, fear not – I have the answer to get off that couch or office chair and get moving.
  • Get Up and Move, its as simple as that.  Most of you have stairs in the house, go do 5 rounds and then come back to read some more of this post.  I will be back in a minute.  It literally took me 1 minute to do 5 rounds.  OK, now catch your breath for another minute and get ready for more.
  • Drink More Water.  I have heard how many people don't care for the taste of water, when you stop drinking the diet soda you will start to get your taste buds back and the water may actually taste better.  Either way, you have to drink the water so try to drink as much as you can, because it's probably still shy of what you should be drinking, especially here in the higher altitude.  Ahhh hold on, ok, sorry I had to take a drink.
  • Get Your butt back up out of the chair and lets do some basic exercises. 
Basic Squat:
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and point your toes slightly out. Push your hips backward and squat down bringing your upper legs to parallel to the ground. Make sure to keep your back flat, chest out, and your spine neutral. Push through your heels back to the starting position. **Trainer Tip: Make sure not to let your knees cross your toes at the bottom of the squat.
Fire Hydrants:
Position yourself on the ground on your hands and knees (hands shoulder width on the
ground in front of you and knees and hips should be at 90°.) Keeping a flat back and
neutral spine, raise one leg out laterally as far as possible at the hip joint. Lower your leg to the starting position and repeat on each side.
From the top of a plank position and your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart,
lower your body until your arms are at 90*.  Extend your arms to return to the starting position. Keep your upper and lower body nice and tight and straight throughout the
movement. (You can modify this movement by doing it against a railing or wall.)
Hip Bridges:
Lie on your back with your hips flexed, feet on the ground and knees bent to 90°. Place
your hands on either side of your hips. Feet should be just shy of shoulder width apart.
Contract your glutes and drive your hips upward to the sky while simultaneously trying to squeeze your knees together. Keep your upper back on the ground. Lower your hips
back to the starting position.  Hold for 10 seconds then drop and back up again to hold.
High Knees:
Begin jogging and on each step, bring your knee towards your chest as high as possible.  Keep your arms moving as if you’re jogging.
Butt Kicks:
In a standing position, alternate bringing in your heels back and try to “kick” your glutes
(very similar to jogging in place but knees do not come forward.)
Do each exercise for 1 minute in good form but a little faster paced than you normally would.  Do this 2-3 rounds and its a total of 12-18 minutes, not bad for all that candy you ate.

If you can’t make it to the gym do this and it can all be done at home or your office.  Hopefully you didn't just finish a couple more candy bars.

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