Saturday, March 3, 2012

Has winter sucked the moisture right out of you?

I  moved here a couple years ago and my skin has taken a beating. I use a humidifier in my bedroom during the night and that has made a bit of a difference.  I drink water throughout the day.  Winter is in full force and my hands are a tale tell sign with all the cracks and splits.  Here are 5 tips that serves as a reminder to take better care of your skin.

1) Protect Yourself - Wear vinyl or rubber gloves when you do chores around the house like washing dishes, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms, and doing yard work. And never leave the house without warm winter gloves — cold air and low humidity can make dry skin even worse. I try to do this one but I love to feel what I'm touching, especially when gardening.  Do you ever start out with gloves on and seem to get the gloves stuck on everything and then you take them off?
2) Keep Things Moist - Lock in moisture by applying moisturizer daily after showering, and right before going to bed. I do this faithfully after showering, I never thought to do it before bed.
3) Not So Hot - The more water your skin is exposed to, the more moisture is lost. That' especially true for the hot water many people turn to in the colder months. So try to keep showers and baths under 10 minutes, and use warm water instead of hot. I do love a good hot shower and I know its not good for my skin.  I love to stand in a hot shower and lett the water roll down my neck and shoulders, it feels so good but I do pay the price afterwards.
4) Cleanse Wisely - In the shower, use a mild body wash that doesn't strip skin of its natural oils. A small amount of a creamy, nonfoaming cleanser is best for people with dry skin. I love using natural soaps and when I don't or when I am travelling and use other soaps, I really notice the difference in my skin and how much more my skin itches.
5) Say No to Certain Foods, Yes to Others - Foods high in salt and caffeine have a diuretic effect, which means they take water out of your body, including your skin. To promote circulation and fight dryness, enjoy foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and certain other fish, walnuts, flax seeds, and tofu. I don't eat too much salt and never add it to anything but I do like drinking my 2 cups of coffee.  I also try to eat more foods with omega 3.  If you don't get the omega 3 in your foods, you can take a supplement, just make sure it is of great quality.

Of course as with anything else common sense tells us we already know what we should be doing. I hope these 5 tips help you.  For more tips, articles you can sign up Power by Choice newsletter.

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