Monday, July 23, 2012

Trying to go with the flow when the current changes

What a weird change of events and all in less than a half hour.  My plan tonight after getting off work was to be at the dentist office by 5:15pm because I broke a tooth and needed the crown redone.  I finish up my first day "on the floor" at my desk after being in training since June 7th and I leave at 430pm.  I have just enough time to make it as long as everything goes as planned.

That was the magic word, goes as planned.  There is some major construction on I25 and as long as I get off at mm 119, I will miss most of the backed up traffic and then get back on the highway at mm 122.  At about mm 117ish I see a car on the side of the road that looked like a fellow employee of mine that I had just finished training class with.

I decide to take a loop around to see if it was her and if she needed any help.  I get off at mm 119 and go south again, It wasn't her and help was already on the way, so I promptly get back on the highway at mm 116, start driving and totally miss my exit at mm119.  Now I get stuck in traffic and I call the dentist to let them know I will not make it there on time and since it was a crown redo, there wasn't enough time to finish it tonight.

Ok, now I am free for an hour before my personal training client and I proceed on down the highway.  An El Paso squad starts to merge onto the highway and I move over to let him in.  I am just rolling on down the road at the posted speed limit and he pulls in behind me and turns those wonderful little lights on.  I don't really know why he is pulling me over, but I don't think the fight or flight response is going to work here, so I pull off the side of the highway.

He tells me that the broken windshield is illegal (ok I was going to get that changed NOW i guess) and that my logo across the front is too long.  Keep in mind, I have a jeep and it in no way restricts my sight, but it was 2 inches too long and he proved it to me with his ruler.  I apologize and hope that ignorance works here and I would get it fixed.  He also advised me that my license plate doesn't show any record on file.  I give him my insurance and registration card and he disappears into his squad.

I was fortunate to not get any tickets, but I do have to go to the drivers license facility because although my plates match my registration, it still isn't on their system.  So when somebody tells you to just go with the flow, try it at least until the current conditions change, then you may have to adjust.  It all started with one little act of good deed.

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