Friday, March 16, 2012

10 mistakes women make

Here are 10 mistakes I see women make while they are trying to lose weight and I will post about each of those mistakes separately for the next ten days.
  1. Not making exercise their top priority
  2. Doing excessive aerobic exercise
  3. Not strength training
  4. Not getting a baseline for their health and fitness level done by a Certified Personal Trainer
  5. If they are lifting weights, using the 1, 2 and 3lbs just isn't enough intensity
  6. Working out on machines only
  7. Not eating properly
  8. Not stretching
  9. Trying to spot reduce ie; abs and butt
  10. Doing crunches
Changing each of these habits and hiring a professional will get you the results you have been trying to get for HOW long?

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