Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost everyone WANTS to be in shape. What are you going to do differently in 2012?

Seriously... even people who seem content to have let themselves go would choose being in shape in a
heartbeat over being out of shape.

Out of shape people want to be like in shape people.  Their doctors are telling them to workout, their friends are telling them to workout, they are telling themselves to workout.  Why are they NOT working out regularly?

Almost everyone who doesn't workout regularly wishes they did, and I have something that will help.

I have the gift of helping others get into amazing shape... to hold them accountable to their fitness goals and make their workouts fun, safe and productive.

There are TONS of people out there who would LOVE the end result I can help them attain. Even when I ONLY take clients who are ready to do it differently, committed to getting in shape and will give me their all... there are actually tons of you out there who WON'T.  You will join the gym, go faithfully for a couple weeks, maybe even until February and then somewhere around Valentines Day you will quit.  You won't give up your membership, because you just might need it someday.  HELLO someday is NOW.

I am not a big fan of paying a gym membership if you are not going to take full advantage of it.  I would rather see you invest in a Professional such as myself to create a plan, a habit and get the results you so desperately want every New Years Day.  You can then take what you have learned to your gym and get your money's worth.  Some may never go to the gym because they just don't care for the ambiance.  Private and small group personal training may work better if you are one of those people.

Stop fooling yourself, really sit down and take a look at what you've been doing in the past and if it hasn't worked year after year, why not do it differently in 2012.

Don't ever forget I am constantly teaching you.  You discover new exercises and new ways to reach your fitness goals.  I help you get results and solve your health and fitness problems with you.  You have to take action to reach your goals.  Good luck and if you want to set up an appointment with me, email me.

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